

Jump ==

With this simple plugin you can save and load your position. It is intended for jump servers.
If you saved on the wrong place, don't panic, you can always go an extra step back.
Use the tool to make the saving and loading even easier!
The commands can be disabled for certain worlds. Admins still can use it in every world.

Now with MySQL support for saving the times! (since v0.4, default it is off)

Although I made and tested it for bukkit 1.4.7, it would probably also work with 1.5 as well as 1.6.*. If you find any misbehavior in the other versions, please contact me.

You can setup a jump parcour by placing a sign at the beginning of the parcour with the following lines:

  1. [jump] or jump (case insensitive)
  2. Anything you want
  3. An unique parcourname
  4. start (case insensitive)

At the end of a parcour place a sign with the following lines:

  1. [jump] or jump (case insensitive)
  2. Anything you want
  3. The parcour name you also used at the start
  4. stop (case insensitive)


To start the timer for a parcour simply right-click the start sign, you'll get the tool automatically by default. At the end, right-click the stop sign.


You can use /jump or /j or /jp (because essentials also uses /jump and /j)


  • /jump save(/s) - Save your current position
  • /jump load(/l/back) [steps back] - Go back to a saved position
  • /jump tool - Gives you a tool. Left-click is save, right-click is load. Typing the command again will disable the save and load for the tool.
  • /jump getpos - Returns your last saved position
  • /jump savelength - Returns the times that you saved
  • /jump timer - If you're in a jump, this will show you what your current time is
  • /jump top [jump] - Gives you the top 5 times of a jump, when you're in a jump and you leave the jump argument empty it will give the top times of the jump you're currently in
  • /jump stop - If you're in a jump, this will stop the timer without saving your time
  • /jump help [page] - Shows a help message with all the commands


  • /jump enable(d) true/false - Enable or disable the jump commands of normal people, admins can still use it though
  • /jump getpos player - Get the last saved position of the given player
  • /jump del(ete) jumpname - Removes all the times for the given jump from the database
  • /jump list - Gives a list of all the jumps that times are saved for from the database. The number is the amount of times there are for that jump


  • jump.use - allows the player to use the jump commands (default on for everyone)
  • jump.admin - lets the player get access to all the admin commands (default for ops only)
  • jump.denied - disables the use of all the commands (default on for no one)


Suggestions are always welcome, just pm me or leave a comment.