Telegram Helper
This plugin can help you to administrate you server,it crash??
Player need staff and there aren't any online??
Don't worry your player can send a notification at your staff on Telegram and you can help all user everytime.
How to set up:
Paste the jar on the plugins folder,then start the server,now there is a new folder(TelegramHelp) go in it and edit the file(ThelegramHelp.yml)
bot=change it to the private id you receive when create it.
chatId=it is a list of the chat_id of the helper(one per staff)
(you can get it going to https:/ /<Bot private id>/getUpdates ,you find it under
exist=set to true.
Start a conversetion with the bot.
You can use the link send to you BotFather.
How to use:
In game simply use the /helpme <message> <to> <send> command.
It send a mesage to all the staffer on the Telegram app.