Jumper is a Minecraft server plugin for CraftBukkit (and others) which allows players to "jump" to distant locations via teleportation, simply by jumping and right-clicking on the destination -- no commands required!
(Note: If the player is not holding something in their hand, then the player will be unable to teleport. This is because of how the Minecraft client is designed, and is not a bug in Jumper.)
- Simply jump and right-click to teleport to wherever you are currently looking
- Purely action-based, no commands required to use
- Server admin can choose the range of allowed teleportation, and limit teleportation based on health and hunger
- /jumper - Display instructions on how to use Jumper
- /jumper reload - Reload config file
- /jumper version - Display the plugin version and authors
Installation and Upgrade
- Download the latest Jumper-x.y.jar file.
- Remove any old Jumper jar file from your server's "plugins" directory.
- Move the new jar file into your server's "plugins" directory.
- If your server is not running, start it up. If it is running, restart the server (/reload is not recommended).
- You can now start using Jumper!
- jumper.reload:
- description: Allow using the reload subcommand
- default: op
- jumper.use:
- description: Allow the player to teleport
- default: true
- jumper.version:
- description: Allow using the version subcommand
- default: op
View default config file on GitHub.
To change Jumper's behavior:
- Edit Jumper's config file located at "plugins/Jumper/config.yml", and save your changes.
- Run the "/jumper reload" command in the server's console or as a player with OP permissions.
- Jumper will now use the new settings.