


KarmaKeeper is a self-explanatory plugin. It manages player karma and the plugin is customizable. You are able to manage the default and maximum karma a player can achieve. Karma is currently only given by the karma command and editing the player_karma.yml

USAGE: It is very simple to use KarmaKeeper. To manage a players karma in-game, use /karma. To do it with the configuration file, you may use the player_karma file. 

  • To add karma to a player, do /karma add <player> <amount>
  • To remove karma from a player, do /karma remove <player> <amount>
  • To find out how much karma a player has, do /karma get <player>
  • To reset a player's karma to the default (which can be edited in config.yml), do /karma reset <player> *
  • To set a players karma, do /karma set <player> <amount> *

INSTALLATION: The installation process is very easy. First, you must have a compatible version of spigot. (1.8.8 - 1.12). Simply put the plugin .jar file in the "plugins" folder and start the server. 

** Even though the plugin has been tested, if you have any issues with the plugin, please message me on twitter **

My Twitter: www.twitter.com/SatproMC

I hope this plugin helped your server and please make sure to watch this project for the upcoming update!