Keys And Crates
Keys and Crates is a great plugin for any server. You can easily give any player a key then all they have to do to open a crate it click on any chest with the key. You can configure what is in the crates however you would like.
/givekey <player> <amount> - Give a player a crate key.
crates.givekey - Permission to run the /givekey command.
Example layout: (The "»" are to represent indenting).
»»»»name: '&6Test'
»»»»id: 1
»»»»command: say <player> won something from a crate
»»»»chance: 1
message: &7You have won &6<prize>&7!
Now step by step "prizes:" - All prizes must be under this section.
"test:"(aka the name) - This is just a tag for the prize. Each one must be different.
"name:" - This is the name of the prize that will show up in game.
"id:" - This is the item id of the item that will show up in the crate.
"command:" - This is the command that will be run through the console when this prize is won.
Use ";;" to separate multiple commands.
"chance:" - This is the chance of getting this prize. The higher the chance is, the more common.
"message:" - This is the message that will be sent to the player once they have one a prize.
What it looks like
Placeholder API (optional)
This plugin can use placeholders from PlaceholderAPI in any commands or the prize retrieval message.