What is Kingdoms?
Kingdoms lets you create Kingdoms with a capital, villages and paths with an internal rank system and grief protection.
Creating villages cost Score and a village has a 'bank' that is needed to claim new/more land. Players can donate items and in-game money to increase that bank. Score can be increased by having a full village or winning a raid.
When you create a kingdom the capital chunks are automatically claim around you, the king can then add villages etc. to the kingdom. All claiming and protection uses minecraft chunks (16x16 block area).
Rank | Abilities | |
1 | novice | No building abilities at all (no building/breaking blocks, using buttons/levers, opening chest etc.) |
2 | resident | All building abilities inside own village. |
3 | builder | All building abilities inside all the villages. |
4 | architect | All building abilities inside all the villages, paths and the capital |
5 | village assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the leader manage his village (adding/kicking people, claiming land, ...) |
6 | leader | All the previous abilities. |
7 | kingdom assistant | All the previous abilities + helping the king manage all villages |
8 | king | All the previous abilities |
Here's a basic video (Watch in HD!):
- Download the recommend build of Kingdoms
- Place the file in your plugins folder and start the server.
- Install Vault for economy support with Kingdoms.
- Edit the config(s) in the /plugins/Kingdoms/ folder.
- Reload server and have fun :D
Kingdoms doesn't need a permissions plugin, but if you do use one:
- kingdoms.resident: Gives you permission for the basic resident actions (DEFAULT = TRUE).
- kingdoms.spawn: Gives you access to the spawn command if needed (see config.yml)! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.override: Lets you override building restrictions! (DEFAULT = FALSE)
- kingdoms.admin: Gives you permission to create and destroy kingdoms (DEFAULT = FALSE).
- kingdoms.*: Gives all permissions (DEFAULT = OP).
Use /k or /kingdom to see all the kingdom commands you have access to.
Use /v or /village to see all the village commands you have access to.
Use /r or /resident to see all the resident commands you have access to.
TODO list:
- Add custom translations
- Post all your ideas HERE
KingdomExtra is plugin that will extend Kingdoms with features for spout(craft), chat etc.