


KitFFA is a MiniEvent type plugin. Players either type /FFA or click on the designated signs to get teleported to the PreGame Lobby!
When teleported to the arena, players should be greeted with 3 signs, as well as an entrance to the FFA Arena.
The 3 signs represent the 3 kits.

  1. Warrior
  2. Archer
  3. Mage
    Once players chose a sign they should be able to walk into the Arena where they may PvP!
  • When players kill, they are rewarded 2 Mushroom Soup and money, configurable in the config.yml(/plugins/KitFFA/)
  • For the Money, KitFFA temporarily uses Essentials, but will soon switch to Vault or other big plugins.

Making Signs

Click here to learn how to make FFA Signs!

How to

  • Download KitFFA
  • Place it in your /Plugin/ folder
  • Start the server
  • Change the Config located in the folder(/Plugins/KitFFA/) according to your likings.
  • Enjoy!

To Do

  1. Add permission nodes for each Kit
  2. Configurable Kits
  3. More Kits
  4. Enchantments to kits (in config)


1/FFATeleports player to FFA Arena
2/FFA SetSpawnSets FFA spawn

Permission Nodes

1FFA.SetSpawnSets FFA Spawn
2FFA.CreateAllows players to set FFA signs


Please report any and all bugs in the ticket section above, or leave a comment. Remember to post all error messages so I may help to my fullest extent