Allows creation of a sign which will randomly teleport players a specified distance away from sign location. This is useful on worlds were grieving, factional warfare, or PVP is allowed. Normally, a player has to walk a certain distance away from spawn to build, prevent other players from grieving, or being raided too quickly. With this sign you can specify the minimum and maximum distance that a player will be randomly teleported with in.
Sign Creation
These conditions have to be satisfied to create the sign:
- You must have OP (operator) status on the server.
- First line of the sign must be "RandomTeleport" with out the quotes.
- Second line of the sign must be "[Click Me]" with out the quotes.
- Third line must be the maximum teleport distance.
- Forth line must be the minimum teleport distance.
For example:
RandomTeleport [Click Me] 10000 3000
This would teleport players between 10,000 blocks away and 3,000 blocks when they right clicked on the sign.
Water World Warning
I recently updated the plugin, at the request of many users, to not teleport you into water. The problem is there were two ways I could program this into the plugin. The fast way and the slow way. So I choose the fast way. The problem with the fast way is that if you for example had a world with abnormally large amounts of surface water than you could encounter a lockup in the plugin, because essentially it stops the server when it starts calculating to find land and if it never finds any well it will never stop looking. This will likely only effect like 0.0001% of the users of this plugin.
However, if you notice using the signs causes a lockup or the number of cycles is growing quite large and causing your server to stutter just come on here and leave me a comment or private message and I will take the extra time to make it work better for your server. It is just that it will require a hour or two of extra coding time because I have to redesign how it works slightly and of course I am really busy so I am not going to do that unless someone actually needs it!
Changes / Features / Problems
To report desired changes, ask for features, or report problems please just leave a comment below or you can contact me at kmcg3413 at
If you want the source for this plugin simply unzip the JAR and you will find the source files along side the compiled class files.