Hello Everyone! Welcome To The Big Project Lingo Administartion System [L.A.S.] . The All In One Server Administration Tool . Its A Big Project Since It Took me 1 Month To Code The Whole Plugin and fix bugs .
A Customizable Plugin .
Also The Plugin is Tested And Works With Spigot 1.8.8 And 1.12.2
Installation Steps Are Contained In the LAS.rar file
Ohh,,,But What Are The Commands?
Commands i forgot to make them joking.....There Are Over 16 Commands In The Plugin :-
/las = To show this main Command
/kick <playername> <reason> = Use This To Kick A Player with or without a reason . You Can also use /cc
/ban <playername> <reason> = Use This To Ban A Player with or without a reason . You Can also use /b
/unban <playername> = Use This To Ban A Player with or without a reason . You Can also use /ub
/iclear <playername> = Use This To Clear Your Or Someones Inventory . You Can also use /ic
/chatclear = Use This To Clear Chat . You Can also use /cc
/heal <playername> = Use This to Heal YourSelf Or Some Other Player
/feed <playername> = Use This To Feed Someone Else Or YourSelf
/vanish <playername> = Use This To Vanish Yourself Or SomeOther Player . You Can also use /v
/unvanish <playername> = Use This To Un-Vanish Yourself Or SomeOther Player . You Can also use /uv
/freeze <playername> = Use This To Freeze Yourself Or Other Player . You Can also use /f
/unfreeze <playername> = Use This To Freeze Yourself Or Other Player . You Can also use /uf
/punish <playername> = Use This To Strike Lightening On Player . You Can also use /p
/sayas <playername> <message> = Use This To Say Something in Chat As Other Player . You Can also use /sa
/broadcast <message> = Use This To Broadcast A Message Over Server . You Can also use /bc
/fly <playername> = Use This To Broadcast To Set Yourself Fly Or Some Other Player To Fly
Ohk I got The Commands But How Do I Use Them ??? What Are The Permissions:-
So Let Me Explain By Default All The Operators[OP] In Server Have All Permissions But If You Want To Give The Permissions To Non-Ops Use These Permissions
ln.main = Permission To Use /las Command
ln.cmd.kick = Permission To Use /kick Command
ln.cmd.ban = Permission To Use /ban Command
ln.cmd.bc = Permission To Use /bc Command
ln.cmd.freeze = Permission To Use /freeze Command
ln.cmd.unfreeze = Permission To Use /unfreeze Command
ln.cmd.sayas = Permission To Use /sayas Command
ln.cmd.heal = Permission To Use /heal Command = Permission To Use /chatclear Command
ln.cmd.vanish = Permission To Use /vanish Command
ln.cmd.unvanish = Permission To Use /unvanish Command
ln.cmd.feed = Permission To Use /feed Command
ln.cmd.iclear = Permission To Use /iclear Command
ln.cmd.punish = Permission To Use /punish Command = Permission To Use /fly Command
Config.yml [With Explanation of Everything]
#---------------------------------- # Lingo Administration System # Creator:- Ayush # ~~ Please Support Him ~~ #----------------------------------- # Server Name Edit The Server Name And Paste Your Server Name Here :) . Color Codes Allowed . Formatting Not Supported Ex. &k server: '&cPixelNetwork' # This is The Main Prefix That Will Appear Before Every Server Message . Color Codes Allowed prefix: '&k&c&l|&r&3L.A.S&r&k&c&l|&r' # This is The Default Kick Message That Will Appear Once A Player Gets Kicked . Color Codes Allowed kickmessage: ' You Were Kicked From Server' # This is The Default Ban Message That Will Appear Once A Player Gets Banned If No Reason Is Specified . Color Codes Are Allowed. banmessage: ' &6 You Were Banned From Server ' website: '' # This is Message That Will Be Displayed to Player When A Player Joins A Server . Color Codes Allowed . joinmessage: '&6A smile is the universal welcome. ' # This is a Message That Will Be Displayed When A Player Dies. Color Codes Allowed deathmessage: '&6 Death and love are the two wings that bear the good man to heaven.' # This is a Message That Will Be Displayed When A Player Leaves The Server To All Other Players . The Space Left Before "Has" is important as that specifies The Plugin To Put Player Name There . Color Codes Allowed quitmessage: '&c Has Left The Server . Lets Hope He Comes Back Soon'
Also Do Not Edit The Bans.yml file This Might Corrupt The Plugin.
Please Show Support To This Plugin As It Took me a Lot Of Time To Code This Plugin Nearly About 1 month . Rate This Plugin Share It With Friends . Also If You Guys Need Any Help Just Join My Discord Server And I will be so happy to help you there
Link To Discord :-
Do You know? You guys Can also put suggestions Down Below And I will Add them to The Plugin In Future Updates .