Hello everyone and my name is Lane/Laloth and a couple days ago i was looking into java and i decided to start a plugin now the plugin that i started is called LalothCMD and it a highly inspired by the old plugin BenCMD witch has been stopped but i am taking the idea and running with it. Now this is my first plugin and i am fairly new to Java codding but i think i did well on this plugin! In now way is the code from BenCMD used in the plugin. This plugin does one of many things it is pretty much a Basic Commands plugin for now. I hope to bring to do bigger and better things.
- Fly- Allowe's you to use creative mode flight.
- Freeze- Can freeze a player in their spot.
- Mute- Can prevent a player from talking.
- Tp- Can allow you to Teleport.
- Heal- Can heal your hearts.
- Ping- Pong.
- Pong- Ping.
- Feed- Fills your hunger bar.
- Ci- Clears Your Inventory.
- Time- Changes The Time Of Day.
- Fire- Set's The Person On Fire For 1000 Ticks.
- Smite- Lightnings someone with a little surprise.
- LalothCMD- Tells you that you are running LalothCMD.
- Weather- Changes The Weather.
- Ban- Bans A Player From Your Server.
- Kick- Kick's A Player From Your Server.
- UnBan- Unban's A Player From Your Server
- Survival- Change's You'r Gamemode To Survival.
- Creative -Change's You'r Gamemode To Creative.
- God- Enable's God Mode.
- Ungod- Disable's God Mode.
- Block The Placeing Of EnderChest
- Block The Creation Of EnderChest
- Block The Use Of EnderChest
Commands and Permissions:
- /ping - No Permission
- /pong - No Permission
- /Heal - LalothCMD.heal
- /Feed- LalothCMD.feed
- /fly - LalothCMD.fly
- /ci - LalothCMD.ci
- /weapon - LalothCMD.weapon
- /mute - LalothCMD.mute
- /tp - LalothCMD.tp
- /config - LalothCMD.config - Still working on it
- /time - LalothCMD.time
- /Fire - LalothCMD.fire
- /Smite - LalothCMD.smite
- /LalothCMD - No Permission
- /weather - LalothCMD.weather
- /ban - LalothCMD.ban
- /kick - LalothCMD.kick
- /unban - LalothCMD.unban
- /survival - LalothCMD.survival
- /creative - LalothCMD.creative
- /god - LalothCMD.god
- /ungod - LalothCMD.ungod
- Use Of Ender Chest- LalothCMD.UseEnderChest
- Creation Of Ender Chest- LalothCMD.CreateEnderChest
- Placeing Of Ender Chest- LalothCMD.PlaceEnderChest
- Main- http://pastebin.com/XsSBE5bs
- PlayerListener- http://pastebin.com/gVSHRMZX
- Metrics- http://pastebin.com/EzZTTEyC
- plugin.yml- http://pastebin.com/MGWU1icP
- config.yml- http://pastebin.com/VKGdnKtm
Coming Soon:
- Grief Protect (Can be toggled)
- Hats- /hat
- Message Of The Day (MOTD)
- BanIP and UnBanIP