


TeleBooks allow players to teleport cross dimension or in the same dimension by right-clicking bookshelves with certain blocks above and below them, and a sign above the bookshelf with the cords.


To create a valid structure to teleport you must place a bookshelf, then place a block of (End stone for the end, Stone for the Overworld, and netherrack for the Nether) on top and bottom of the bookshelf. After you have the blocks in place, on the top block place a sign, and on the sign line one can be anything you want line two needs to be the X coordinate, line three needs to be the Y coordinate, and line four needs to be the Z coordinate (Please note decimals are not valid as coordinates). After that you should be able to right click the bookshelf and be teleported to the coordinates on the sign.

Finished Structure

Completed Structure


PermissionWhat it doesDefault
telebooks.*Allows User to use all telebooks features (INCLUDING RELOAD)op
telebooks.useAllows the user to use the pluginop
telebooks.overworldAllows the user to use telebooks to the overworldop
telebooks.netherAllows the user to use telebooks to the netherop
telebooks.endAllows the user to use telebooks to the Endop
telebooks.helpAllows the user to use /telebooks helpop
telebooks.versionAllows the user to see the plugin version (/telebooks version)op
telebooks.reloadAllows the user to reload the plugin (/telebooks reload)op


/tb can be used instead of /telebooks

Command & ArgsDescriptionPermission
/telebooks versionPrints out the plugin versiontelebooks.version
/telebooks helpDisplays ingame help also instructions on how to build the
/telebooks reloadReloads cool down length from config, resets cooldowns, and confirmationstelebooks.reload

Ideas / Planned Features

  • Multiworld Support
  • User definable blocks and dimensions


  • 1.0 Initial release
  • 1.1
    • Added ingame command
    • Added permissions
    • Configurable cooldowns
    • Confirmation before teleportation
    • Allows for decimals in coordinates
    • No longer assumes world is world
  • 1.1.1
    • Fixed Overworld books in dimensions that are not the overworld

Known Issues

  • None

Features / Requests

If you have an idea or request for the plugin please put it below.


Please do not put issues in the comments please submit a ticket using the button on the top right.