A new channel-based chat plugin with high compatibility with other plugin's tags and an awesome API for developers! Do you use Herochat but has found some really boring imperfections? Why don't you try to use Legendchat?
For server owners: you will have the same design as herochat and your players won't notice the difference! And you can create a channel only for BungeeCord communication! Check our BungeeCord page!
For developers: want to add a new prefix, suffix or remove some people from receiving a message without removing others? Nice! We have an easy to use API! Check our API page!
[!] > COMPATIBLE WITH 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11 and 1.12! < [!]
Main features
- Configurable chat channels (delay to send messages, cost ($) to send messages etc).
- Temporary channels (with permissions)
- Permissions to almost everything.
- Quick message (ex.: /g <message>).
- Private messages (/tell).
- Compatible with almost every chat tag.
- Update checker (can be disabled, see Plugin configuration)
List all available commands in the plugin.
Command | Usage | Description |
/legendchat or /lc | In-game help | Admin commands |
/channel or /ch | /ch <channel> | Focus in other channel |
/tempchannel or /tc | See temporary channel section | Temporary channel command |
/tell or /msg or /pm or /t | /t <player> [message] | Send a private message or start a chat |
/reply or /r | /r <player> <message> | Reply a private message |
/afk | /afk [motive] | AFK mode (block private messages) |
/ignore | /ignore <player> | Ignore player messages and private messages |
/mute | /mute <channel> | Ignore channel messages (NEW - V1.1.2) |
List all available permissions in the plugin.
Permission | Description |
---|---|<channel>.chat | Permission to read and write in the channel |<channel>.focus | Permission to focus (/ch) in the channel |<channel>.free | Permission to bypass message cost in the channel |<channel>.nodelay | Permission to send messages without delay in the channel |<channel>.blockwrite | Permission to block writing in the channel |<channel>.blockmute | Permission to block muting the channel (NEW - V1.1.2) |
legendchat.tempchannel.manager | Permission to create and delete temporary channels |
legendchat.tempchannel.color | Permissions to change your temporary channel color |
legendchat.tempchannel.user | Permission to join and leave temporary channels |
legendchat.color.<color> | Permission to use certain colors or formats in channels |
legendchat.color.allcolors | Permission to all colors in channels |
legendchat.color.allformats | Permission to use all formats in channels |
legendchat.block.tell | Permission to block player from sending private messages |
legendchat.block.locktell | Permission to block player chat with /tell <player> |
legendchat.block.reply | Permission to block reply private messages |
legendchat.block.afk | Permission to block using /afk |
legendchat.block.afkmotive | Permission to block player from setting an afk message |
legendchat.block.ignore | Permission to block player from being ignored |
legendchat.admin | Admin permission, unlock everything |
legendchat.admin.tempchannel | Permission to use: /lc deltc |
legendchat.admin.playerch | Permission to use: /lc playerch | | Permission to use: /lc channel |
legendchat.admin.spy | Permission to use: /lc spy |
legendchat.admin.hide | Permission to use: /lc hide |
legendchat.admin.mute | Permission to use: /lc mute |
legendchat.admin.unmute | Permission to use: /lc unmute |
legendchat.admin.muteall | Permission to use: /lc muteall |
legendchat.admin.unmuteall | Permission to use: /lc unmuteall |
legendchat.admin.reload | Permission to use: /lc reload |
<channel> = channel name in lowercase
<color> = color name (like blue) or format name (like bold) in lowercase
Learn how to configure the plugin.
Plugin configuration
Include: described config.yml, available tags for channel and private messages.
English - Plugin configuration link
Português - Link da configuração do plugin
Chinese - 插件配置链接
Channel configuration
Include: described <channel>.yml and available colors.
English - Channel configuration link
Português - Link da configuração do canal
Chinese - 频道配置链接
Temporary channels configuration
Include: described temporary_channels.yml.
English - Temporary channels configuration link
Português - Link da configuração dos canais temporários
Chinese - 临时频道配置链接
For developers
Looking for an API? We have it!
API for Plugins
English - API page
Português - Página da API
Chinese- API 页面
CommandHelper extension
English - CommandHelper extension
Português - Extensão do CommandHelper
For BungeeCord
BungeeCord server? Need a cross-server channel?
Click at the link to see how to use bungeecord channel.
English - BungeeCord channel
Português - Canal do BungeeCord
Chinese - BungeeCord 频道
FAQ - Frequent asked questions
Question: Why when someone try to login with /l their password shows up?
Answer: Because of the listeners. You have 2 choices:
1- Disable /l at your login plugin.
2- Set "shortcutAllowed" to false at the local channel file.
Question: Why my name is prefixed with [world_name]?
Answer: You should go to Multiverse config and change "prefixchat" to false.
Question: Why I have 2 equals prefixes?
Answer: You have two choices.
1- You set "block_repeated_tags" to false. Set it back to true.
2- Another chat plugin incompatibility (if you have EssentialsChat, delete it).
Question: What is {bprefix} and {bprefix2}?
Answer: All format tags are in Plugin configuration section.
Question: The message 'legendchat' appears when someone say something.
Answer: You can try to find the plugin creating this incompatibility and create a ticket OR open the config file and change send_fake_message_to_chat to false.
Question: I have a problem with X plugin.
Answer: Click here.
Source (V1.1.3)
Development: Me (Minecraft: SubZero0_ , Forums: SubZero0 , DevBukkit: PauloABR)
Special thanks:
Mayomi - Simplified chinese language file