Libelula Ultimate Capture The Wool is the famous game from Libelula.ME network and a verbatim clone of OCTC one. It has the same behavior of the original game with a very important advantage: You can configure as many CTW room as you wish in your server to play at the same time. ¡Yes! this legless plugin convert a single server in a multimap/multiroom CTW game host which can support as many players as your server can.
- Easy guided map configuration
- Tested over a month in Libelula.ME network.
- Empty World creator/management for creating new maps.
- Allows to copy an entry map including it configuration.
- Completely guided setup process.
- Maps works as plugins so you can import/export them to other servers.
- Permissions system which supports VIP or some privileged players
- Allows privileged players to enter on full rooms and/or select team.
- Multiple capture points by map.
- Specific map configuration like prevent some items drops or starting players kit.
- Spanish/Italian/English translated. (I need help, please send more translation if you use it)
- Languages files so you can translate it to any other language you want.
- Multipoint lobby spawn for preventing all players to starts all in the same location.
- Configurable player's manual/Guide book given when players get in a room.
- Completely separated chat system (by rooms)
- Compatible with other's plugins and games (For example tested in the same server with Survival Games and Libelula's Climb Up).
- Configurable allowed/denied in-game commands.
- Wool Spawners.
- Protected areas.
- Inaccessible-by-team areas.
- Configurable KITs by Map.
- Spectator can't interact with players in any way.
- Free software GPL3 (You can download the source code and modify it as you which).
Maps and Rooms Setup
- You can find here the complete configuration guide.
- Here are some maps made by me: Libelula CTW MAPS
Spanish Lang Support (in spanish)
El plugin se encuentra completamente traducido al español, de hecho se ha escrito por primera vez en español y luego se tradujo al inglés. El idioma por defecto es inglés pero para tenerlo completamente traducido al español solo debes seguir los siguientes pasos:
- Parar el servidor (o el plugin con plugman o algo por el estilo).
- Editar el fichero config.yml del plugin y añadir la siguiente línea:
lang-file: spanish.yml
Para configurar el juego te recomendamos que leas la: Guía de configuración en español
Vídeo de configuarción del plugin:
See what I'm talking about, I'll include a video as soon as I have it finished.
Commands and Permissions
- The Wool main command.
- usage: /ctw [reload|save|mapcycle]
- permission: ctw.admin
- General chat which allows players to chat with the other team.
- usage: /g [message]
- permission: ctw.generalchat
- General game configuration command
- usage: /ctwsetup [lobby|map|mapconfig]
- permission: ctw.setup
- Navegates between Worlds (maps/rooms/neutral)
- usage: /gotoworld [world name]
- permission: ctw.setup
- Creates a new empty world and take you down there.
- usage: /createworld [world name]
- permission: ctw.setup
- Manage player access to game
- usage: /join [obs|red|blue|random]
- permission: ctw.join
- aliases: [entrar, unirse, ctwjoin]
- Allows players to leave the room game and back to the lobby
- usage: /leave
- permission: ctw.join
- alias: [salir]
- Manage player visual options
- usage: /toggle [obs|dms|blood]
- permission: ctw.join
- Take players to random spawn point configured on Lobby.
- usage: /spawn
- permission: ctw.join
Special permissions
- ctw.choseteam: allows players to chose a team. (recommended for VIP players).
- ctw.override-limit: allows players to play in full rooms. (recommended for Youtubers).
- ctw.setup: allows to setup, modify or delete maps and gaming rooms.
- ctw.ingame-extra-cmds: allows to write non-allowed commands during a game.
Just drop the plugin and it dependencies into the server plugin folder and restart your server.
This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Please read about GPL License here
Suggestions and Issues
- ENG: IMPORTANT: I will NOT accept issues in comments. DBO has an excellent ticket tracking system. If you found an error or want I make a modification to this plugin, please DO NOT write it in a comment. Just create a ticket and describe what you want.
- ESP: IMPORTANTE: NO voy a aceptar incidencias en los comentarios. DBO tiene un excelente sistema de seguimiento de tiquets. Si has encontrado un error o quieres que haga una modificación al plugin, por favor NO lo escribas en un comentario. Solo crea un tiquet y describe que quieres que haga.