Libelula Ultimate Capture The Wool

Libelula Ultimate Capture The Wool


Libelula Ultimate Capture The Wool is the famous game from Libelula.ME network and a verbatim clone of OCTC one. It has the same behavior of the original game with a very important advantage: You can configure as many CTW room as you wish in your server to play at the same time. ¡Yes! this legless plugin convert a single server in a multimap/multiroom CTW game host which can support as many players as your server can.


  • Easy guided map configuration
  • Tested over a month in Libelula.ME network.
  • Empty World creator/management for creating new maps.
  • Allows to copy an entry map including it configuration.
  • Completely guided setup process.
  • Maps works as plugins so you can import/export them to other servers.
  • Permissions system which supports VIP or some privileged players
  • Allows privileged players to enter on full rooms and/or select team.
  • Multiple capture points by map.
  • Specific map configuration like prevent some items drops or starting players kit.
  • Spanish/Italian/English translated. (I need help, please send more translation if you use it)
  • Languages files so you can translate it to any other language you want.
  • Multipoint lobby spawn for preventing all players to starts all in the same location.
  • Configurable player's manual/Guide book given when players get in a room.
  • Completely separated chat system (by rooms)
  • Compatible with other's plugins and games (For example tested in the same server with Survival Games and Libelula's Climb Up).
  • Configurable allowed/denied in-game commands.
  • Wool Spawners.
  • Protected areas.
  • Inaccessible-by-team areas.
  • Configurable KITs by Map.
  • Spectator can't interact with players in any way.
  • Free software GPL3 (You can download the source code and modify it as you which).

Maps and Rooms Setup

Spanish Lang Support (in spanish)

El plugin se encuentra completamente traducido al español, de hecho se ha escrito por primera vez en español y luego se tradujo al inglés. El idioma por defecto es inglés pero para tenerlo completamente traducido al español solo debes seguir los siguientes pasos:

  1. Parar el servidor (o el plugin con plugman o algo por el estilo).
  2. Editar el fichero config.yml del plugin y añadir la siguiente línea:
lang-file: spanish.yml

Para configurar el juego te recomendamos que leas la: Guía de configuración en español

Vídeo de configuarción del plugin:


See what I'm talking about, I'll include a video as soon as I have it finished.

Some features Red Inaccessible area Wool Spawner

Commands and Permissions


  • The Wool main command.
  • usage: /ctw [reload|save|mapcycle]
  • permission: ctw.admin


  • General chat which allows players to chat with the other team.
  • usage: /g [message]
  • permission: ctw.generalchat


  • General game configuration command
  • usage: /ctwsetup [lobby|map|mapconfig]
  • permission: ctw.setup


  • Navegates between Worlds (maps/rooms/neutral)
  • usage: /gotoworld [world name]
  • permission: ctw.setup


  • Creates a new empty world and take you down there.
  • usage: /createworld [world name]
  • permission: ctw.setup


  • Manage player access to game
  • usage: /join [obs|red|blue|random]
  • permission: ctw.join
  • aliases: [entrar, unirse, ctwjoin]


  • Allows players to leave the room game and back to the lobby
  • usage: /leave
  • permission: ctw.join
  • alias: [salir]


  • Manage player visual options
  • usage: /toggle [obs|dms|blood]
  • permission: ctw.join


  • Take players to random spawn point configured on Lobby.
  • usage: /spawn
  • permission: ctw.join

Special permissions

  • ctw.choseteam: allows players to chose a team. (recommended for VIP players).
  • ctw.override-limit: allows players to play in full rooms. (recommended for Youtubers).
  • ctw.setup: allows to setup, modify or delete maps and gaming rooms.
  • ctw.ingame-extra-cmds: allows to write non-allowed commands during a game.


  • WorldEdit is used for define regions.
  • TagApi is used for changing the name tag colors.


Just drop the plugin and it dependencies into the server plugin folder and restart your server.


Frequently asked questions.



This plugin is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

Please read about GPL License here

Suggestions and Issues

  • ENG: IMPORTANT: I will NOT accept issues in comments. DBO has an excellent ticket tracking system. If you found an error or want I make a modification to this plugin, please DO NOT write it in a comment. Just create a ticket and describe what you want.
  • ESP: IMPORTANTE: NO voy a aceptar incidencias en los comentarios. DBO tiene un excelente sistema de seguimiento de tiquets. Si has encontrado un error o quieres que haga una modificación al plugin, por favor NO lo escribas en un comentario. Solo crea un tiquet y describe que quieres que haga.