Leaves a sign on player death with date and death cause. Date can be replaced by any message. You can for example use R.I.P. or Noob down! for PvP Servers etc.
- Leaves a sign on player death, with custom title.
- With the command /lifeback a player can teleport back to his last sign. With /lifeback [playername] a player can teleport to [playername]'s last sign.
- You can setup if the player should lose XP on death and how much.
- You can setup if the player has to pay money on death and how much! To use this function, you need the vault bukkit plugin. Download vault at: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/vault/
- Enable Sign drop or Disable sign drop!
- Pay a player for destroying a death sign.
- Set the worth of a death sign to anything you like or use (level) to set it to the victims XP level (this can prevent feeding).
- Enable/Disable Broadcast Server Message ex: "FadeKivi has found PlayerX's Death Sign!"
- No signs placed in Worldguard regions where the player has no building access!
- And much more...
New in 1.5
Added Permission:
- life.canbreaksign
Player with this permission can break deathsigns
default: false
Added Config Values:
- permissionneededtobreak: false
Does a player need the permission "life.canbreaksign" to break a sign?
- disableinworlds: world1,world2,world3
Disable the plugin in worlds. No signs, no money loss. A list seperated by , (comma). Set to "disableinworlds: none" to disable this.
- lifeback:
description: Teleport the player to his last death sign
usage: /<command> [player]
permission: life.back
permission-message: You don't have <permission>
- life.deathsign:
description: Place a death-sign for this player
default: op - life.nodeathsign:
description: Don't place a death-sign for this player
default: false - life.back:
description: Can use /lifeback command
default: op - life.back.others:
description: Can use /lifeback [player] command
default: op - life.keepxp.all:
description: Player doesn't lose his XP on death
default: op - life.keepxp.set:
description: Player loses the in the config.yml set % of XP on death
default: false - life.dontpayondeath:
description: Player doesn't lose any money on death
default: op - life.payoncleanup:
description: Pay the player for destroying old signs
default: op - life.lifebackfree:
description: Never pay to use /lifeback
default: false - life.canbreaksign:
description: Player with this permission can break deathsigns
default: false