Liquid Control

Liquid Control


LiquidControl - Control player placed liquids:

This plugin allows a user to type in a command and place water or lava like any other block. While the command is active any placed fluid will not flow naturally but will remain static. Because of the way minecrafts fluid physics work once a block has had its flow stopped the game no longer calculates flow for that block. Meaning that the flow for the block will remain stopped even after this plugins command is disabled. Also, a user can enter a depth level from 0 - 7 to set the height of the liquid. Very handy for making half hight fountains. Additionally, a user can stop fluid flow by powering the block below with redstone. Admins can also turn off fluid flow for the entire server or for a selection of worlds via a config.

This plugin allows users to use water for doors without worrying about the water flowing out the door, or a user can set the depth of water for cool fountains and pool FX.

Once the command is disabled the user can place liquid blocks just like normal and they will flow like normal. Also all existing blocks will flow if they are updated by placing another block beside them.

If a picture is worth 1000 words then a video is worth a million. So here is a video explanation:

Setting the Fluid Height: (*click for full size)


  • Stop Flow of user placed liquid blocks
  • Set depth of fluid level from 0 to 7 (0 = max depth, 7 = min depth)
  • Stop Flow of water or lava with redstone using a special block (*Default LapisBlock / id 22)
  • Turn off Liquid Flow for the whole server or just a single world via config
  • If global or per world flow is turned off users with permission can place flowing liquids
  • Can use a flatfile database to keep track of all placed liquids between server restarts.
  • Permissions support


  • /flowoff - stops placed liquid blocks flow physics
  • /flowoff <depth> - sets depth from 0 to 7
  • /flowon - allows placed liquid blocks to flow naturally

(Supports groupmanager, Bukkit Permisisons, bPermissions, PermissionsEx or Niji based permissions)

allows users permission to use plugin commands


false - Fluid flow on the server is not effected (default)
true - Fluid flow for entire server is turned off
'someWorld, anotherWorld, yetAnotherWorld' - A comma seperated list of worlds to turn off fluid flow in. globalFlow overrides this setting
ItemIdNumber - The item id of the block that must be powered and below a liquid for its flow to be stopped with redstone.
false - disables database feature
true - enables database feature (default)


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