Lobby Plus
Created by Darrionat
The ideology of Lobby Plus is to make a developer's life easier when setting up a spawn or lobby. This plugin makes it quick and easy. No need to learn a difficult plugin with tags to prevent certain actions. This plugin contains login effects, login location area, commands that can be run by a console on a player's login, spawn borders, spawn protection, and custom commands! The best part is that everything can be customized very quickly with the config.yml and the reload command.
- Player Login Effects
- Speed on the login of a player - Custom Permission available
- Saturation on the login of a player - Option for Custom Permission available
- Night Vision on the login of a player- Option for Custom Permission available
- Fly on the login of a player - Option for Custom Permission available
- Teleported to a location on the login of a player - Option for Custom Permission available
- Console run commands on the login of a player - Option for Custom Permission available
- Lobby Effects
- Double jump in lobbies (Added in v1.1)
- Spawn Borders in the specified world
- Prevent mobs from spawning within borders
- Prevent players from leaving borders
- Teleport players back a custom location when trying to leave the borders
- Borders Override Custom Permission
- A custom player attempting to leave borders message
- Prevent Block Breaking Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent Block Placing Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent Chest Opening Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent Item Frame Clicking Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent PvP Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent mobs hitting players Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Prevent players from hitting mobs Border Option - Also a custom message available
- Override the border protection options custom permission available
- Custom Commands and Messages - Send players message on a custom command
- Disable/Enable Custom Commands
- Custom Messages by typing a command - Useful when using Citizens and CitizensCmd Plugins (Changed from 3 in v1.0 to an unlimited number of custom commands in v1.1)
#################################################################### # _ ___ ____ ______ __ ____ _ _ _ ____ # #| | / _ \| __ )| __ ) \ / / | _ \| | | | | / ___| # #| | | | | | _ \| _ \\ V / | |_) | | | | | \___ \ # #| |__| |_| | |_) | |_) || | | __/| |__| |_| |___) | # #|_____\___/|____/|____/ |_| |_| |_____\___/|____/ # # ____ ____ _ _ # #| __ ) _ _ _ | _ \ __ _ _ __ _ __(_) ___ _ __ __ _| |_ # #| _ \| | | | (_) | | | |/ _` | '__| '__| |/ _ \| '_ \ / _` | __| # #| |_) | |_| | _ | |_| | (_| | | | | | | (_) | | | | (_| | |_ # #|____/ \__, | (_) |____/ \__,_|_| |_| |_|\___/|_| |_|\__,_|\__| # # |___/ # #################################################################### #Support: If you need support add and dm me on Discord (@Darrion#5859) ############################################## # ___ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ # # / _ \| \ | | | |/ _ \_ _| \ | |# #| | | | \| | _____ _ | | | | | || \| |# #| |_| | |\ | |_____| | |_| | |_| | || |\ |# # \___/|_| \_| \___/ \___/___|_| \_|# ############################################## #xOnLogin (true/false) (If false, it is disabled) #xLength in seconds (1000000) is infinite #xLevel is what level of x the player gets #xPermissionNeeded if true, it will require the permission, if false there is no requirement #xOnLoginPermission custom permission node. This can be changed to what you want! (They can all even be the same) SpeedOnLogin: false SpeedPermissionNeeded: false SpeedOnLoginPermission: 'login.speed' SpeedLength: 1000000 SpeedLevel: 1 SaturationOnLogin: false SaturationPermissionNeeded: false SaturationLoginPermission: 'login.saturation' SaturationLength: 1000000 NightVisionOnLogin: false NightVisionPermissionNeeded: false NightVisionLoginPermission: 'login.nightvision' NightVisionLength: 1000000 #Allows a player to fly when they log in FlyOnLogin: false FlyPermissionNeeded: false FlyOnLoginPermission: 'login.fly' #Teleports a player to a location on login e.g. your spawn #Yaw is horizontal direction #Pitch is vertical direction TeleportOnLogin: false WorldOnLogin: 'world' TeleportPermissionNeeded: false TeleportOnLoginPermission: 'login.teleport' X: 0 Y: 80 Z: 0 Yaw: 180 Pitch: 0 ## Custom Join Item, this is what will open your Custom Item GUI. ## If a player right-clicks with this item, it'll open the GUI for custom items. GUIItemOnLogin: true GUIItemType: 'CHEST' # Use all caps, make sure it's a valid item type. GUIItemLore: '' # GUIItemName: '&eCustom Items' GUIItemSlot: 9 PlayerCanMoveItem: false # Can move the item in their inventory, still can move if in creative. PlayerCanDropItem: false # Can drop the item on the ground #RunCommandsOnLogin (true/false) If true console will run commands on the login of a player #commandsonjoin list format - #commandsonjoin: # - firstcommandhere # - secondcommandhere #Use %player% to get the player's name RunCommandsOnLogin: false RunCommandsPermissionNeeded: false RunCommandsOnLoginPermission: 'login.commands' commandsonjoin: - say Welcome. - msg %player% Welcome to the server. ################################################################## # _ _ _ _____ __ __ _ # #| | ___ | |__ | |__ _ _ | ____|/ _|/ _| ___ ___| |_ ___ # #| | / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | | | _| | |_| |_ / _ \/ __| __/ __|# #| |__| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| | | |___| _| _| __/ (__| |_\__ \# #|_____\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, | |_____|_| |_| \___|\___|\__|___/# # |___/ # ################################################################## #Double Jump. If a player has fly and doublejump, they will double jump instead of fly. (Except in creative or spectator) # DoubleJumpOnlyInBorders: true/false. True will only let a player double jump inside the borders DoubleJumpEnabled: true DoubleJumpMultiplier: 1 #Setting this too high will crash the server. #5 at most is recommended DoubleJumpOnlyInBorders: false #Put as false if you have borders disabled DoubleJumpPermissionNeeded: false DoubleJumpPermission: 'lobbyplus.doublejump' ################################################################################## # ____ ____ _ # #/ ___| _ __ __ ___ ___ __ | __ ) ___ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ # #\___ \| '_ \ / _` \ \ /\ / / '_ \ _____ | _ \ / _ \| '__/ _` |/ _ \ '__/ __|# # ___) | |_) | (_| |\ V V /| | | | |_____| | |_) | (_) | | | (_| | __/ | \__ \# #|____/| .__/ \__,_| \_/\_/ |_| |_| |____/ \___/|_| \__,_|\___|_| |___/# # |_| # ################################################################################## #Make a square around spawn that players can not leave. #If BordersEnabled is false, there will be no borders. If you want borders, configure and set to true. #BorderWorld is the world with the X,Y,Z borders. **MAKE SURE THE WORLD IS CORRECT.** #BorderOverridePermission can be changed to a custom permission. E.g. 'borders.ignore' BordersEnabled: false MobSpawningInBorders: false ExplosionsInBorders: false BorderWorld: 'world' #Make sure your world is correct! BorderOverridePermission: 'borders.ignore' #Square Border #This is where you will setup your border coordinates. #BorderLow is the lower coordinate of your pair. #BorderHigh is the larger coordinate of your pair. BorderLowX: -100 BorderHighX: 100 BorderLowY: 0 BorderHighY: 256 BorderLowZ: -100 BorderHighZ: 100 #BorderTp is the location a player will be teleported to after trying to leave the border. - E.g. Your spawn #Yaw is horizontal direction #Pitch is vertical direction #BorderAttemptLeaveMsg is what will be said to the player when they try to leave the border. BorderTpEnabled: false BorderTpX: 0 BorderTpY: 80 BorderTpZ: 0 BorderTpYaw: 180 BorderTpPitch: 0 BorderAttemptLeaveMsg: '&cYou cannot go there!' #Border Protection are the events that can't happen. #Allowx (true/false). If true, players can do x in the borders. #BorderProtectionOverridePermission can be changed to a custom permission. E.g. 'bordersprotection.ignore' AllowBreakBlocks: true AttemptBreakBlockMsg: '&4&lHey! &7You cant break that here!' AllowPlaceBlocks: true AttemptPlaceBlockMsg: '&4&lHey! &7You cant place that here!' AllowOpenChests: true AttemptOpenChestMsg: '&4&lHey! &7You cant open that here!' AllowClickFramesAndStands: true AttemptItemFrameClickMsg: '&4&lHey! &7You cant click that here!' #Players with BorderProtectionOverridePermission can still hit players when PvP is disabled! AllowPvP: false AllowMobsToHitPlayers: false AllowPlayersHitMobs: true AttemptPvPMsg: '&4&lHey! &7You cant PvP here!' #This permission will allow a player to ignore the protections from the border. #This will make it so players can still do these actions when disabled. BorderProtectionOverridePermission: 'bordersprotection.ignore' ################################################################################## # ____ _ __ __ # # / ___| _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ ___ | \/ | ___ ___ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ ___ # #| | | | | / __| __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ | |\/| |/ _ \/ __/ __|/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \/ __|# #| |__| |_| \__ \ || (_) | | | | | | | | | | __/\__ \__ \ (_| | (_| | __/\__ \# # \____\__,_|___/\__\___/|_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\___||___/___/\__,_|\__, |\___||___/# # |___/ # ################################################################################## #Max is 3 commands. May add more in the future, contact me if there should be. #Send organized messages to players by commands (Color codes function) # Format # RegisteredCommands: # - /test # - /testtwo # /testmessages: #Make sure you have the / in front of the command messages. # - '&dThis is the first message' # - '' # - '&bHere's the 3rd line.' RegisteredCommands: - /test - /testtwo /testmessages: - 'test' - 'this is line 2' - '&cLine 3' /testtwomessages: - 'TestTwo' - 'You can customize this.'
- Commands
- /lobbyplus - Displays a message
- /lobbyplus reload - Reloads the config
- First custom command in config.yml
- Second custom command in config.yml
- Third custom command in config.yml
- Permissions
- lobbyplus.reload - The only defined permission. Permission to reload the config.yml
- Every other permission can be customized within the config.yml!
Support/Bug Reports:
- You can receive quick support for this plugin by joining my Discord.
- If you have found any bugs within the plugin please join my Discord and send me the bug report.