Hello everyone, I made a plugin called "Lobby". The function of this plugin, is to use "/setlobby" to set a location and when a player use "/lobby", teleport the player to this location.
- /lobby || Teleports to Lobby
- /setlobby || Set the Lobby Location (Default: OP)
- /lobby <name> || Teleport to Specific Lobby. Example: /lobby parkour
- /setlobby <name> || Set the Specific Lobby Location. (Default: OP) Example: /setlobby parkour
- lobby.set || To set Lobby location (/setlobby).
- In the config file, when you install plugin, there is a variable called "TeleportOnJoin". When you set the lobby location with "/setlobby", the file get the variables x, y, z, yaw, world and pitch.
- If you open the file, the variable "TeleportOnJoin" is set to "false". If you set it to "true", when players join the server, they will be send to the lobby location.
- If you open the file, the variable "signword" is set to "[Lobby]". You can introduce here everything you want to use in Signs. If a player do right click in a sign with the first line equals to the word you introduce in "signword"(support colors!), he will be teleported to Lobby Location.
- When you do /setlobby <name>, will create, for example, world-parkour (the name you introduce in <name>). This is used for a specific lobby.
- Use /lobby to teleport to lobby location
- Use /setlobby to set lobby location
- Players can be teleported to lobby location on join
- If you put in line 1 of a sign (for example) [Lobby] (You can introduce the word you want in config.yml file) you will be teleported to lobby location
- Players can be teleported to specific lobby locations using /lobby <name>
- If you are interested, you can see the code of this plugin here.