



LocalizationAPI is Minecraft Spigot plugin for player localization. It supports translation by using language files.

Current version is 0.2.0.

I need lots of test, feedbacks and reports. Please comment at plugin page, or Github issue.

How to install

Installation of this plugin is same as other plugins. But, it needs default language file called en_us.json. 1. install .jar file under plugins folder. 2. Run server. 3. Stop server, and en_us.json will be created in plugins/LocalizationAPI/lang. 4. Add your custom translations in en_us.json. 5. Run server again, and enjoy! For developers, visit wiki orhttps://freddyyj.github.io/LocalizationAPI/.


/lang * Show all commands that this player can use.

/lang get [player] * Get player language code. Default is command sender.

/lang set <language code> [player] * Set player language code. Default player is command sender.

/lang test * Print text message with sender's language.

/lang list * Show all language list.

/lang available * Show all languages that can created.

/lang create <language code> * Create new language file.


localization.get * Permission to use /lang get

localization.get.other * Permission to use /lang get [player]

localization.set * Permission to use /lang set <language code>

localization.set.other * Permission to use /lang set <language code> [player]

localization.test * Permission to use /lang test

localization.list * Permission to use /lang list

localization.available * Permission to use /lang available

localization.create * Permission to use /lang create <language code>


v0.2.0 * Add /lang available command to get all languages that can created. * Add /lang create <langiage code> command to create new language file if it's included in /lang available. * Change package structure for improvement. * All supported languages are added in JSON file in .jar. * No need to create default language file manually before initial runnung. * Add default keys in all language files.

v0.1.0 * Init plugin