Confined Thunder
Confined Thunder is a plugin to patch a potential exploit in which players' coordinates can be found from the globally-broadcasted thunder sound packet.
Typically, the server will send a sound packet for thunder to all players on the server within a distance of 160,000 blocks. Thunder only occurs around loaded chunks, so the coordinates sent in the sound packet can be used to approximate players' locations to around 500 blocks. This is potentially dangerous for servers where the objective is to raid other players.
When a thunder packet is going to be sent, the plugin checks if it's coordinates are more than 500 blocks from the player. If so, the coordinates in the packet are changed to something random. This prevents any potential exploit.
More information about the sound effect can be found here.
Just put the plugin's jar file into your server's plugins directory. It's as simple as that! The plugin takes care of the rest; there are no commands or permissions required.
This plugin REQUIRES ProtocolLib to function in order to rewrite the sound packets. You may download it here.