If you are using Java 8 to 16 (Minecraft version 1.8 - 1.16.5), use version 1.2,
If you are using Java 17+ use latest version
I don't support Java <17 anymore
Additional Note:
(9 Dec 2021) This plugin is NOT affected by RCE 0-day exploit in log4j. Be sure to UPDATE your server jar (Spigot/PaperMC etc) IMMEDIATELY.
*) RCE: Remote Code Execution
*) log4j: A logger tool used by Minecraft
*) Mojang Developer official statement about this severe security read here
*) For Spigot read here
*) For PaperMC read here
*) In-depth explaination about this severe security issue read here
What is Locato?
Locato is a plugin to help players locate saved place and check the saved place status, for example to check whether the gold farm is being used or not by performing command. Another example, check the coordinate where enderman farm is. You can also share your current position privately to another player or broadcast to all players.
- SQLite database storage or MySQL database storage (I recommend you SQLite if you are not familiar with DBMS)
- Share location to a player or to all players
- Save/edit/remove saved place from database via command (easy to use)
- Search saved places using keyword
- Locate where a saved place is
- Spigot/PaperMC from 1.8 to 1.18
- Geyser and Floodgate
- Java 17 and newer
Other than that is not tested and not guaranteed. No Multiverse support (need testers).
Please read this section carefully to understand how this plugin works!
Commands and Permissions:
/whereis <place_name>
Requires Locato.whereis permission. Locate a saved place. Example:
/whereis spawn
Output: (if place named "spawn" is recorded on database)
/shareloc [optional: player_destination]
Requires Locato.shareloc permission. If player_destination not specified it will broadcast your current position to all players. Else it will only share to that player.
/shareloc zerrium
/locato status <place_name>
Requires Locato.status permission. Check if there is any player at the specified saved place
/locato status spawn
Output: (if place named "spawn" is recorded on database)
All players at that place will be notified like this:
/locato search <keyword>
Requires permission. Search saved place names with a specific keyword
/locato search a
Output: (If there is any place name contains keyword "a")
/locato add <place_name>
Requires Locato.add permission. This command is only for players. Add a place to database record by applying the command twice to 2 positions (like WorldEdit //pos1 //pos2)
/locato add spawn (do it twice for each points like bellow)
/locato remove <place_name>
Requires Locato.remove permission. Remove a place from database record.
/locato add <place_name>
<chunk1 pos x> <chunk1 pos y> <chunk1 pos z> <chunk2 pos x> <chunk2 pos y> <chunk2 pos z> <dimension: world or world_nether or world_the_end>
Requires Locato.add permission. Add place to database record by specifying 2 chunk coordinates (simply just divide the x and z block coordinate by 16)
/locato edit <place_name>
<chunk1 pos x> <chunk1 pos y> <chunk1 pos z> <chunk2 pos x> <chunk2 pos y> <chunk2 pos z> <dimension: world or world_nether or world_the_end>
Requires Locato.edit permission. Edit place from database record by specifying 2 chunk coordinates (simply just divide the x and z block coordinate by 16)
- Download and put the jar file to plugins folder
- Check the config file
- Ready to be used (you can also reload this plugin with PlugMan)
This plugin is developed by myself in my free time for my personal SMP server need.
If you find any bugs/issues please report them to my GitHub repository and I will fix them in my free time (no rush, no ETA).
Please credit me and give this plugin link if you post it to another website, thank you.