LockMe is a plugin to add a second layer protection for your player Nicks.
Recently we heard about a hack that allows malicious players to by-pass the authme protection usind a cliente hack that change the his uuid by the server owner, and with this this player can make all as the server owner.
If the player do not use the command and password, this player cant use itens, interact, change slot position, use chat, commands, etc...
Why this plugin:
Heres a video about this hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAVIHNkr2xU
(Reading the comments i see the clients with this hack can join on all server types)
Most recommended on servers with bungeecoord
Commands and permissions:
- This plugin has a command to reload: /lockme reload and the permission is lockme.reload
The focus of this plugin is you add your own commands to deny hackers to use TAB to get your commands and a password.
On configuration you can add the players needed to reauth with your command, password and optionally match your uuid:
LockedPlayers: # The nick of player to lock. ExamplePlayer: # Any command name for this player need to use. Command: /unlock # Any command to player lock your own nick. LockCommand: /lock # Any word as password for this player Password: AwesomePassword # Optional player UUID to match on join the server. If you dont want to use the UUID or dont know the player uuid, use '' (blank quotes). MatchUUID: 'the-player-uuid'
Only the player can use your own command and password.
Example 1:
LockedPlayers: Notch: Command: /unlock LockCommand: /lock Password: me MatchUUID: ''
When join on server, notch need to use the command: /unlock me
Example 2:
LockedPlayers: LoveGuy: Command: /ilovemy LockCommand: /lock Password: mom MatchUUID: 'dryfhe-fse4tgeg-nghjmhuk-32eqsdv'
When join on server, LoveGuy need to use the command: /ilovemy mom and need to match the uuid.
Example 3: Example with more than one player
LockedPlayers: LoveGuy: Command: /ilovemy LockCommand: /lock Password: mom MatchUUID: 'dryfhe-fse4tgeg-nghjmhuk-32eqsdv' Notch: Command: /unlock LockCommand: /lock Password: me MatchUUID: ''