

For the latest information, source code, and to report issues, please visit the Github repo.


For plugins that log messages to the console and the server.log using an instance of Logger (e.g. the PluginLogger via plugin.getLogger()), you can use LoggerManager to fine-tune which levels of messages come through. You can even reload the config on the fly and have the changed filters immediately applied to the log output.


Below is an example config.yml. Type log reload from the console or /log reload in-game to reload the config and immediately apply new logging level filters.

default.level: INFO # default logging level

test: false # set to true to test log levels

prefix: false # set to true to prefix all log messages with their logger name


 - name: com.minecarts.loggermanager.LoggerManager

   level: ALL

 - name: com.minecarts.dbpermissions.DBPermissions

   level: WARNING

 - name: com.realmdata.metrics.Events

   level: WARNING

   prefix: "RealmDataMetrics> "