Link Removed:
Options: File config.yml:
- enable: true - whether the plugin.
- force: - whether deletes the plugin all the blocks in подргужаемом чанке from the list, much loads the server
- enable: false - whether the feature is enabled
- id-data: - banned blocks, format 'id:data'
- - '8'
- - '35:0'
- place: true - whether checking the installation of blocks
- break: true - whether checking destruction blocks
- craft: false - whether checking Kraft
- inventory:
- content: true - whether the test of being in inventory
- delete: true - whether to remove the prohibited item from inventory
- pickup: false - whether checking selection of loot
- drop: false - whether checking ejection loot
- interact: - whether the check of interaction...
- left-item: true - the subject of coatings
- right-item: true - the subject of the RMB
- left-block: true - with the power of coatings
- right-block: true - with the power RMB
- block-burn: false - whether checking combustion blocks
- block-explode: false - whether checking explosion blocks
- piston:
- drag: false - whether checking pulling blocks pistons
- push: true - whether checking pushing blocks pistons
- chat: - replace the words from the list on the '***'
- enable: true - the function is enabled
- words: - a list of words
- - admin
- - boiler
- entitys: false - whether checking on all sorts of interaction entity
- configurated: true - whether checking manual configuration blocks/items
- test: - the group name
- type:
- place: true - does a group of installation of blocks
- break: true - does the group of destruction blocks
- craft: a true - does the group Kraft
- pickup: true - does the group selection loot
- drop: true - does the group drop
- block-burn (true) or does the group combustion blocks
- block-explode: true - does the group explosion blocks
- inventory:
- content: true - does the group of store items/units in inventory
- delete: false - whether to remove the prohibited items/units of equipment
- interact:
- left-item: true - does the group interaction objects (LMB)
- right-item: true - does the group interaction objects (RMB)
- left-block: false - does the group interaction with blocks (LMB)
- right-block: true - does the group interaction with blocks (RMB)
- piston:
- push: false - prohibits pulling piston block
- drag: true - prohibits to push the piston block
- list - list of subject blocks/items
- '1': - any name, most importantly, without repeating the
- id: 35 - id, be sure to
- data: 7 - data not required, from 0 to 127, -1 is equivalent to its lack
- damage: -1 - damage, not mandatory, -1 is equivalent to its lack
- test:
- id: 35 - id, be sure to
- data: 8 - data not required, from 0 to 127, -1 is equivalent to its lack
- damage: -1 - damage, not mandatory, -1 is equivalent to its lack
- '1': - any name, most importantly, without repeating the
- type:
- creeper: - the type of Entity in lowercase
- type: cow - type Entity in lowercase
- attack: false - prohibited attack
- projectile: false - prohibited him to receive damage from shells
- contact: false - prohibited him to receive damage from contact(cacti and etc)
- drowning: false - prohibited him to receive damage from drowning
- interact: false is prohibited to communicate with it(PKM)
- lava: false - forbidden him to take damage from the lava
- lighting-strike: false - prohibited him to receive damage from lightning
- magic: false - prohibited him to receive damage from magic
- poison: false - prohibited him to receive the poisons
- suffocation: false - prohibited him to receive damage from being inside blocks
- explode: false - forbidden him to take damage from the explosions
- burn: false - prohibited him to receive the fire damage
- biomes: - list of biomes, where are these settings in the rest all set to true if the list biomes empty, the settings are in effect in all biomes
- - [biome_name]
- [type of Entity in lowercase]:
- ...
- diamond: - name, cannot be repeated if no id is specified, it must match the id of a prohibited block or object
- id: 57 - id prohibited unit or item
- data: -1 - data prohibited unit or subject if no -1
- damage: -1 - damage prohibited unit or subject if no -1
- place: false - it is forbidden to install, works if the basic setting is enabled
- break: false is prohibited to destroy this block works if the basic setting is enabled
- craft: false - prohibited craft(microwave, workbench etc), if the basic setting is enabled
- inventory:
- content: true - whether the test of being in the inventory works if the basic setting is enabled
- delete: true - whether to remove the prohibited item from inventory works if the basic setting is enabled
- pickup: true - forbidden whether collected works if the basic setting is enabled
- drop: false is prohibited to dispose of works if the basic setting is enabled
- interact:
- left-item: true - does the group interaction objects (LMB), works if the basic setting is enabled
- right-item: true - does the group interaction objects (RMB), works if the basic setting is enabled
- left-block: false - does the group interaction with blocks (LMB), works if the basic setting is enabled
- right-block: true - does the group interaction with blocks (RMB), works if the basic setting is enabled
- explode: true - explodes whether the unit works if the basic setting is enabled
- burn: false - burns whether the unit works if the basic setting is enabled
- piston:
- push: false - prohibits pulling piston block works if the basic setting is enabled
- drag: true - prohibits to push the piston block works if the basic setting is enabled
- min-x: 25 - minimum position of the block on X, or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- max-x: 50 - maximum position of the block on X, or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- min-z: -150 - minimal position of the block Z or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- max-z: -125 - maximum position block Z or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- min-y: 100 - minimum position of the block Y, or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- max-y: 125 - maximum position of the block Y, or, if the subject of the position of the player, where are these settings, beyond all settings true
- biomes: - list of biomes, where are these settings in the rest all set to true if the list biomes empty, the settings are in effect in all biomes
- - [biome_name]
- worlds: - list of the worlds, where are these settings
- - [world_name]
- [settings name/id block/subject, if id: not specified]
- ...
To verify the settings, use that. - - allow the holder to install all blocks
-<id[.data]> - allow the holder to install prohibited block
- lokiblocker.break.allow.all - allow the holder to destroy all blocks
- lokiblocker.break.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to destroy prohibited block
- lokiblocker.craft.allow.all - allow the holder of all of the recipes Kraft
- lokiblocker.craft.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder of craft prohibited item/unit
- lokiblocker.invContent.allow.all - allow the holder to carry in your bag all objects
- lokiblocker.invContent.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to carry in your bag prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.invDelete.allow.all - prevents removal from the inventory of prohibited items/units
- lokiblocker.invDelete.allow.<id[.data]> - prevents removal of the equipment of a specific subject/block
- lokiblocker.pickup.allow.all - allow the holder to pick up any loot
- lokiblocker.pickup.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to select prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.drop.allow.all - allow the holder to throw any loot
- lokiblocker.drop.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to throw prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.intLItem.allow.all - allow the holder to use all the items(LMB)
- lokiblocker.intLItem.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to use a forbidden item(LMB)
- lokiblocker.intRItem.allow.all - allow the holder to use all the items(RMB)
- lokiblocker.intRItem.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to use a forbidden item(RMB)
- lokiblocker.intLBlock.allow.all - allow the holder to interact with all the blocks(LMB)
- lokiblocker.intLBlock.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the owner to interact with a banned unit(LMB)
- lokiblocker.intRBlock.allow.all - allow the holder to interact with all the blocks(RMB)
- lokiblocker.intRBlock.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the owner to interact with a banned unit(RMB)
- lokiblocker.entity.attack.allow.all - allow the holder of damage all entities
- lokiblocker.entity.attack.allow.<entity_type> - allow the holder damage all entities of a given type
- lokiblocker.entity.interact.allow.all - allow the holder to interact with all entities
- lokiblocker.entity.interact.allow.<entity_type> - allow the holder to interact with all entities of a given type
- - allow in the chat any words
-<word> - allow this word in the chat
- - allow the holder to install all blocks manual configuration
-<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder to install prohibited unit manual configuration
- lokiblocker.custom.break.allow.all - allow the holder to destroy all blocks
- lokiblocker.custom.break.allow.<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder to destroy prohibited block
- lokiblocker.custom.craft.allow.all - allow the holder of all of the recipes Kraft
- lokiblocker.custom.craft.allow.<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder of craft prohibited item/unit
- lokiblocker.custom.inventory.allow.all - allow the holder to carry in your bag all objects
- lokiblocker.custom.inventory.allow.<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder to carry in your bag prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.custom.pickup.allow.all - allow the holder to pick up any loot
- lokiblocker.custom.pickup.allow.<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder to select prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.custom.drop.allow.all - allow the holder to throw any loot
- lokiblocker.custom.drop.allow.<id[D<data>][U<damage>]> - allow the holder throw prohibited unit/item
- lokiblocker.custom.intLItem.allow.all - allow the holder to use all the items(LMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intLItem.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to use a forbidden item(LMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intRItem.allow.all - allow the holder to use all the items(RMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intRItem.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the holder to use a forbidden item(RMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intLBlock.allow.all - allow the holder to interact with all the blocks(LMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intLBlock.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the owner to interact with a banned unit(LMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intRBlock.allow.all - allow the holder to interact with all the blocks(RMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.intRBlock.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the owner to interact with a banned unit(RMB)
- lokiblocker.custom.invContent.allow.<id[.data]> - allow the owner to content in inventory banned unit
- lokiblocker.custom.invContent.allow.all - allow the owner to content in inventory fll items
- lokiblocker.custom.invDelete.allow.<id[.data]> - disable delete forbidden item from owner inventory
- lokiblocker.custom.invDelete.allow.all - disable delete all forbidden items from owner inventory
- lokiblocker.list.allow.<group_name> - resolves to do anything with the objects/blocks from this group