LokiDungeons current version 0.0.6
- Create dungeons manually.
- Create packs of mobs.
- Create bosses.
- Output to a separate world.
- Different entrances/exits.
- Customized events.
- Loot from bosses.
mechanical translated description 0.0.5
russian description(русское описание) 0.0.6
mechanical translated description 0.0.6
mechanical translated attack types description
0.0.0 Video
0.0.1 Video
0.0.2 Video
0.0.3 Video
0.0.4 Video
0.0.5 Video
0.0.6 Is not uploaded yet.
Video-example of creating a simple dungeon 0.0.2.(RU)
Video-example of creating a simple dungeon 0.0.5.
Copy from "mechanical translated description 0.0.6"
Configuration:- enable: false - enabled plug-in(default is off).
- select-wand: 369 - subject to selection of the regions (see point creation teleportation).
- world: dungeons - the name of peace, which will contain all of the dungeons.
Resolootion: lokidungeons.create
- /ldcd <dungeon_name> <wremark> - creates a new dungeon in the selected region.
- /ldcd - a list of all the dungeon with basic information about them.
- /lded <dungeon_name>
- <enter/exit/respawn> - creates in a dedicated location area of the input/output/spawn (see point creation teleportation).
- select - a selects the base configuration dungeons and displays all configuration options.
- select <config_name> - selects the configuration dungeons with the specified name and creates, if not.
- reset [time_until_reload_in_ticks] displays in the chat/sets the time until a reboot dungeons.
- limit [number] - displays the chat/sets the maximum number of players in dungeon.
- /ldcm <dungeon_name>
- boss <boss_name> <mob_type> <health> - creates a new boss in the first place the selected position, supports color.
- pack <mob_type> <amount> - creates a pack of mobs in the place of the first selected item.
- pack remove <pack_id> - removes Pak mobs.
- boss - boss dungeons.
- pack - information packs dungeons.
- /ldeb <dungeon_name> <boss_name>
- loot <drop[;drop[;...]]> - sets loot boss (see creating bosses).
- loot clear - clears loot boss.
- loot - adds an item out of the hands of loot boss, while preserving all the characteristics and number of items.
- equip - opens a window for editing service boss(helmet-jacket-pants-shoes-guns instead).
- name <new_name> - changes the name of the boss, supports color.
- type <mob_type> - changes the type of boss.
- helth <new_amount> - changes the amount of health boss.
- remove the boss.
- positions - set positions boss.
- start - sets the point of occurrence of the boss.
- init sets the Redstone point of call boss (see creating bosses).
- death - specifies the Redstone point of death boss (see creating bosses).
- chest - sets the spawn point of falling chest loot.
- checkpoint - specifies the second Redstone point of death boss (see creating bosses).
- [clear] - resets point, applicable to death and checkpoint
- exp <new_amount> - sets the amount of experience falling upon the death of the boss.
- armor - show all armor types.
- Contact <value> - resistance to damage from contact(cactus).
- Attack <value> - resistance to damage from normal attacks(strike sword).
- Proj <value> - resistance to damage from projectiles(arrow/snow).
- Suff <value> - resistance to damage from getting stuck in the wall.
- Fall <value> - resistance to damage from drops.
- Fire <value> - resistance to fire damage.
- Lava <value> - resistance to damage from lava.
- Drown <value> - resistance to damage from suffocation(under water).
- Explode <value> - resistance to detonation.
- Lightning <value> - shock from lightning.
- Poison <value> - resistance to poisons.
- Magic <value> - resistance to magic(potion).
- Wither <value> - resistance to desiccation(explosion of ischitella/potion).
- Falling_block <value> - resistance to the falling blocks(flying anvil).
- Thorns <value> - resistance to the return of damage spikes(enchantment on armor "Thorns").
- baby <true/false> - the boss becomes rebenok, if possible.
- rare <rare> - changes the state of the mob or the size slug.
- color <color> - changes the color/type in zavisimosti from the mob.
- style <style> - changes the style of the horse.
- variant <version> - changes version horse.
- info - displays in the chat information on the boss.
- /ldea <dungeon_name> <boss_name> attack - a list of all the attacks that the boss.
- /ldea <dungeon_name> <boss_name> attack
- new - add another attack.
- remove <attack_id> - delete the attack.
- type <attack_id> - a list of all possible types of attacks.
- type <attack_id> <tipitaka> - to establish a type of attack.
- damage <attack_id> <damage> - to establish the damage from attacks.
- amount <attack_id> <kolichestvennogo> - to set the number of attacks in a row.
- distance <attack_id> <attack_distance> - to set the maximum distance for the attack.
- period <attack_id> <chastotakh> - to set the frequency of attacks.
- range <attack_id> <target_distance> - to set the maximum distance for selecting target of attack
- shift - <attack_id> <smesheniya> - displacement of attack from the timer ticks.
- target <attack_id> - change of the type target of attack.
- DEFAULT - attack in the current goal boss.
- NEAREST attack in the nearest goal boss.
- RANDOM attack in a random target.
- ALL - attack all purposes.
- direction <attack_id> - change of the direction of the attack.
- SIGHT - attack directly from the boss.
- DOWNFALL attack from top to bottom.
- INSIDE attack from the inside purposes.
- RANGE attack from the target in the coming around.
- /ldep <dungeon_name> <pack_id>
- name <name> - specifies the names of all the mobs in the pack supports color.
- name clear - clears the names of the mobs in the pack.
- helth <health> - sets the health of each mob in Pak.
- amount <number> - sets the number of mobs in Pak.
- equip - opens the edit window service mobs directory(helmet-jacket-pants-shoes-guns instead).
- /ldet <dungeon_name> <boss_name>
- end - displays posthumous phrase boss.
- end <content> - sets posthumous phrase boss.
- init - displays the phrase spawn boss.
- init <content> - sets the phrase spawn boss.
- attack <attack_id> - outputs a phrase uttered with a certain attack the boss.
- attack <attack_id> <content> - sets the phrase spoken with specific attack the boss.
- /ldtc
- reload [dungeon_name] - reloads all/specified dungeon.
- load - loads dungeon from a file.
- save - saves the dungeons in the file.
- init <dungeon_name> - runs the specified dungeon.
- tp <dungeons/world> - teleports in the world of dungeons/main world.
- attackreload - reloads files attacks.
- /ldrd <dungeon_name> - removes the dungeon.
Renders the attack at the point where looking player with the help of the inhabitants. The numbers above the heads -- health.
- /ldtf attack <tipitaka>
- DEFAULT - attack in the current goal boss.
- NEAREST attack in the nearest goal boss.
- RANDOM attack in a random target.
- ALL - attack for all goals.
- SIGHT - attack directly from the boss.
- DOWNFALL attack from top to bottom.
- INSIDE attack from the inside purposes.
- RANGE attack from the target in the coming around.
- <target_distance> <attack_distance> [damage] [number]
- lokidungeons.interact - allows to log in/out in/out of the dungeon (default is all).
- lokidungeons.select - allows to select regions with the help of the object specified in the settings (LMC first position, the RMB - the second item).
- lokidungeons.create - allows to create a dungeons.
- lokidungeons.break - allows to build/destroy the blocks on the territory of the dungeon.
- lokidungeons.tc - allows the use of the technical team.
- lokidungeons.remove - allows to remove the dungeon.
Each dungeon should be 5 points teleportation: entrance area anywhere in the world; the point where the player after logging; the exit area of the dungeon; the point where the player after the release; the point where the player comes to life after death in the dungeon. Area - some capacity, which should stand block portal hell, teleportation occurs only after you log in to the portal. The area is allocated object is specified in the settings (LMC first position, the RMB - second position), this item serves for allocations to other teams. Point - to one specific position, which will go to the player after teleporting. As for the point is taken the first selected item. The point of entrance and exit area must be on-site underground.
Creating bosses:
The boss is a mob with a larger number of health, other loot and the presence osoboj attacks in addition to the standard(variable). The boss on "block spawn", a specific team, must be filed signal Redstone. When the death of the boss "block of death" turns into a burning red torch and sravnitsya falling chest loot. When you use the command to create the Redstone-points boss, as the Redstone-point will select the first item. Drop boss is in the format: ID:Number-date:Strength; or by adding the opening team loot without parameters equipment. Attack the boss has 9 parameters: type, damage, frequency, direction, target type, number, offset, length and distance.
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- A unique identifier.
- The server's version of Java.
- Whether the server is in offline or online mode.
- The plugin's version.
- The server's version.
- The OS version/name and architecture.
- The core count for the CPU.
- The number of players online.
- The Metrics version.
If you wish to disable this feature, you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/