Version 0.2.0
- Regenerate all burned/cuted trees after plugin has been started.
- Automatic tree regeneration.
- Falling trees.
/foregen - regen all cutted/burned trees after plugin after plugin has been started(lokiforest.regen).
/foregen reload - reload plugin, clean tree base, reload config(lokiforest.regen).
- enable: true - enabling plugin.
- auto:
- enable: false - enabeling auto tree regeneration.
- delay: 30 - time in minutes until auto regeneration.
- server-alert: true - sand to console meassages about tree cuting/burning.
- biome-tree-replant: false - on tree replant select treetype standart for biome, where it will be planted.
- slow-grow: true - tree will grow step by step.
- treefall:
- enable: true - is tree falling after cut.
- phisic: true - is tree falling down to the earth.
- leaf-random: true - is leaf falling randomly near the tree.
- leaf-cut: true - is tree fall throuth leaf.
- leaf-remove: true - is all leaf of the tree remove.
- fall-tree-on-burn: true - will be fall burning tree.
- tree:
- log-remove: true - will be deleted blocks of a fallen tree.
- log-time: 90 - time in seconds until logs will be removed.
Version log:
0.2.0 - [1.5.2 R1.0] 10.07.13 18:41:41
- Chage finding-tree algoritm.
- Added log remove.
- Added some new features.
- Chage finding-tree algoritm.
- Add alert function.
- Fixed some functions of configuration.
- Supporting horisontal logs.
- Support 1.1.*, 1.2.*, 1.3.* server versions.
- Add configuration for tree fall.
- Support any kind of trees.
- Add autoregen.
- Add config file.
- Add reload command.
- Add falling trees.
- Fall trees in random direction.
- First version of plugin.
- Regen all tretypes like standart(oak).
- Support multiworld.