mechanical translated description
russian description(русское описание)
- a Ban on the construction of the pillars up.
- a Ban on digging pits vertically downwards.
- the Pit filled with blocks.
- post Resources fall as drop(0.2).
- Flexible configuration.
- Warning sound.
- a Warning message (0.2).
- enable: true - whether the plugin.
- hole: - set the pits.
- enable: true - whether checking for digging pits.
- depth: 10 - maximum depth of the vertical holes.
- base: 125 - altitude 0 to which calculated the pit.
- sound alert: true - includes audible warning.
- annoy: true - whether to alert players with permission to receive messages with information about players that digging pits.
- ban: false - the ban does during the digging of pits.
- kick: false - to disconnect from the server during the digging of pits.
- poke: true - to repel whether during the digging of pits.
- kill: false - kill whether digging pits.
- chat: true - send message when player digged the pit.
- title: false - send title when player digged the pit.
- title-message: Dig down prohibited! - title when player digged the pit.
- kick-message: Dig down prohibited! - message when disconnected from the server.
- chat-message: Dig down throughout! - message when player digging pits.
- annoy-message: the Player with the name %name is engaged in digging pits! message alerts player with permission to receive, where '%name' - nickname, digged pit.
- worlds: - list of worlds where plugin is detecting pit digging.
- - World
- - [another world name]
- post: - setting of the pillars.
- enable: true - whether checking for construction poles.
- height: 10 - maximum height of a column.
- base: 64 - height from 256 to which calculated the post.
- annoy: false - whether to alert players with permission to receive the message with the information about the construction of the post.
- ban: false ban if during the construction of the post.
- kick: false - to disconnect from the server during the construction of the post.
- poke: true - to repel whether during the construction of the post.
- kill: false - kill whether during the construction of the post.
- block: 7;23;25;54;61;62;63;64;68;71;84;96;107;116;117;118;122 - list of blocks that can not be destroyed with the destruction of the post, you are allowed to use minecraft, bukkit and numeric ids.
- chat: true - send message when player constructed the post.
- title: false - send title when player constructed the post.
- title-message: Build the pillars prohibited! - title when player constructed the post.
- kick-message: Build the pillars throughout! message when disconnected from the server.
- chat-message: Build the pillars throughout! - message during the construction of the post.
- annoy-message: the Player with the name %name is engaged construction of posts! message alerts player with permission to receive, where '%name' - nick, who built the post.
- worlds: - list of worlds where plugin is detecting construction of pillars.
- - World
- - [another world name]
- lokipost.dig.deny - not to pay attention to the digging of holes, the player with this resolution.
- - not to pay attention to the construction of the pillars, the player with this resolution.
- lokipost.annoyme - send the player with permission to messages digging of pits/construction pillars any player.