Lukkit v1.0-alpha5
It's back! The plugin that allows you to write other plugins in Lua is now at version 1.0 with a complete re-write. With the new version you have access to ALL Bukkit functions and events.
For documentation, go to the Bukkit docs and the Lukkit wiki.
Go to the Files tab to download the alpha release
If you need some help with Lukkit you can post in the forums. Make sure to take a look at the examples and documenation.
More examples are available on github
-- Add command /shout to broadcast a message to the server -- Command name, short description, command usage lukkit.addCommand("shout", "Broadcast a message to the server", "/shout Your message here", function(sender, args) broadcast(table.concat(args, " ")) end)
-- Only allow ops to break blocks events.add("blockBreak", function(event) if not event:getPlayer():isOp() then broadcast(stringOf(format.RED) .. "You are not allowed to break blocks") event:setCancelled(true) end end)
-- lukkit.addPlugin(pluginName, pluginVersion, pluginContent) local helloPlugin = lukkit.addPlugin("HelloPlugin", "1.0", function(plugin) plugin.onEnable(function() plugin.print("HelloPlugin v" .. plugin.version .. " enabled") end) plugin.onDisable(function() plugin.warn("HelloPlugin v" .. plugin.version .. " disabled") end) -- At the moment naming a command with a capital letter will stop the command from being deregistered when running /lukkit reload or /lukkit resetenv plugin.addCommand("hello", "Send the sender the message 'Hello, world!'", "/hello", function(sender, args) sender:sendMessage("Hello, world!") end) -- Set the value if not already in the config -- plugin.config.setDefault(path, value) plugin.config.setDefault("test.bool", false) plugin.config.setDefault("", 45) -- Set the value regardless of if it already exists -- plugin.config.set(path, value) plugin.config.set("test.float", 4.7) plugin.config.set("test.string", "a string") -- plugin.config.get(path, default) plugin.config.get("test.bool", true) -- Remove the config option plugin.clear("test.float") -- Save the config to file end)
Overview with examples from VX | cheese