


Ever wanted to set regions instead of warps? or lobby instead of spawn? Well now is the time!
This plugin adds many different commands overtime so you can have fun

NYCommands is something like Essentials, Though i have edited the names of my commands so it wont interfere
with essentials so it'll be compatible with it,
The current commands are down there,

Commands 'n permissions + Listeners

This can be found at

Command Reference

Coming Soon

You can ask for features as i am willing to add whatever you guys want,
Heres the format:

Name command:
What it does:
Minecraft name: (Recognition for the idea)
Why do i have to add it:

i will most likely add it.

Possible more commands will be shown soon

Server Spotlight?!

Servers that use this plugin can get spotlighted, Just put your IP in the comments and
maybe you could be posted in here.

tryhardcoders minecraft name = lucasouwens

Player player = (Player) Sender;

if(args.length == 1) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "I'm out");

Once reached 5,000 Downloads new ArrayList<Player> >> OpensourcedCode << new ArrayList<Player>();