This brand new plugin gives you a helpful selection of player and admin commands. Although the plugin is still in very early development, we will be rapidly working on and updating the plugin.
What is Lynked?Lynked is a plugin, which provides many helpful commands for players and administrators. It was designed to be useful to anyone, without the need for config files or folders to be made and edited.
What commands does the plugin have?
The plugin was designed to have the essential set of commands to any server user or administrator. The commands range from simple teleports, to helping heal your players. The plugin is still in very, very early development, and should be ready in a BETA stage soon.
Are Permissions supported?
We understand that permissions are necessary for a plugin such as this. At the moment, we are working on the commands, and then we will add in permissions. We will keep you updated on our progress with this.
Why is this plugin any different from the rest?
We understand that there are many, many General command plugins, and we wanted to make this one unique. The plugin is what it says on the tin. We have created the plugin as a jar file, and want to keep it that way. The idea was that this plugin could be very simply added into your plugins folder, and it would work, without the requirement of config files or any folders. The plugin is designed to be lightweight, simple and fast.
When will the plugin be released?
When we are this early in development, it is hard to be able to tell what stage we will be at in a few weeks. We are hoping for a BETA release for the latest of August. The plugin will then be getting finished off after that.
We have designed this plugin to use no configuration files at all. This means that there will be no need to anything to be set up, and the plugin can simply be dropped into your plugins folder. We also understand that this may 'restrict' some uses of the plugin, and so, we want your voices heard on what you want the configured plugin to be like. The plugin is meant to be lightweight, fast and simple.Command List
The following is the plugins command list. The list will be updated as progress continues. Please Note:<> - Denotes a Required Statement
[ ] - Denotes an Optional Statement
/heal [Player] - Heal yourself or another player.
/ext [Player] - Extinguish yourself or another burning player.
/tele < player=""> [Player 2] - Teleport to a player.
/telehere < player=""> [Player 2] - Teleport a player to you.
/freeze < player=""> - Toggles a players' freeze mode. Use the command again to toggle.
/murder < player=""> - Murder a player.