Help making a MagicSpells spell
gedo213214 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
I want to make a spell that, when the enemy is stunned, stuns me for the same number of seconds, can you correct the code?
spell-class: ".targeted.StunSpell"
duration: 10
interval: 10
hit-self: true
spell-class: ".targeted.HomingMissileSpell"
start-forward-offset: 0
cast-item: stick
cooldown: 15
max-duration: 10
projectile-velocity: 5
hug-surface: true
y-offset: 0
particle-name: footstep
particle-count: 5
particle-speed: 5
particle-horizontal-spread: 0.1
particle-vertical-spread: 0.05
- mana 25
hit-players: true
hit-non-players: true
hit-ground: false
hit-self: true
spell: Stun