shootcraft opened this issue ยท 1 comments
May I know how to disable some spells to be sell in citizen shop ?
When I update wand with a new spells, player wand spells does not change and remain the same only change when they get a new wand, how can I fix this ?
Magic items such goggles, apprentice, wizardhat cannot set price in citizen integration shop, for example goggle it remain the same price even after I changed the worth and costs price
Magic plugin is awesome and extensive, I am using for a year but I still not fully understand about it configuration could you tell me a way to contact u as fast as possible such as email or facebook
General customization instructions are here:
Disabling spells involves adding something like this to your plugins/Magic/spells.yml:
enabled: false
Configurations are just templates for new items. Once an item is created it is unrelated to the config. No way around that- get your configs right before you let players have wands.
The "magicitemshop", if you are using that, specifies prices directly in the shop config. See here:
Just copy that to spells.yml and modify it to get the prices you want.