



shootcraft opened this issue · 45 comments


How to catagory begineer spell, apprentice spell, student spell, master spell ?


Those are paths, they are configured in enchanting.yml. See:

Each path has a list of spells, players progress through paths by collecting all of the spells on each.


Thanks, really appreciate


May I know what is the number about frost: 80,70,50 ?


Those are kind of old and not used anymore, it was for the old randomized enchanting system. I really should convert those to lists of spells.


1.How can I arrange the spells in inventory as what I want and give it to player via commands ?

2.Is there a way to add spell to player wand via command even though the player did not hold the wand ?

  1. Easiest way is to use /mitem save , then /mgive

  2. No, not currently.


Thanks you !

  1. is there a way to disable player from moving not permitted spells ?

2.I can give the wand that I created through "mgive player thewandname" but it cannot bind with the player instead it bind with my name, and how can I give the wand to firstjoinplayer since I cannot put it in "welcome_wand:"

  1. Not sure what you mean by moving?

  2. I thought it stripped out the binding info .. I guess if it is not, then you will need to edit the wand file and take it out yourself. Saved wands can be used with welcome_wand.


I mean how to prevent player from reorganize spells because I created a wand with spells that I organized for them because some spells need to be unlock and are not permitted to use except spells on hotbar so player might confuse if the reorganized the spells

how can I create wand with the spells that I organize since most of the wand are organized based on alphabet ?


is there anyway to create a dyed leather armor magic items ?


Don't give players spells you don't want them to have access to. No, there is no way to keep them from reorganizing spells, and even if you did they can still cast them (e.g. right-click to select, Q to quick cast).

is there anyway to create a dyed leather armor magic items ?

Nope, see #93

Hopefully one day.


For some reasons, jukebox dont have sounds


Fairly sure that's nothing to do with Magic.

  1. is there anyway to set the wand to breakable means it will break once it reach specific amount of usage and need to be repair ?
  1. As I said earlier, "Easiest way is to use /mitem save , then /mgive". Meaning create the wand in-game, organize the spells, then save it. The end result looks like this:

So you could also just type it out in the configs like that if you want.

  1. The RP was broken a while ago, but as far as I know it's working now. Make sure you're on latest Magic and have automatic RP's turned on.

  2. No. You can give it "uses: 10" for instance and it will completely break after 10 uses, but no way to repair. Wands must be unbreakable for the custom item models to work.

commented can I create wand with the spells that I organize since most of the wand spells are organized based on alphabet ?

2.what I actually mean is ocarina is not working


Thank you appreciate it !

1.what does a wand with limited potential means ?

  1. how can I edit the lore of the wand ?
  1. I'm not sure. Where do you see that?

  2. You can change the description, but that's about it. Text is in messages.yml, including wand names and descriptions. You may eventually be able to re-arrange or change the builtin lore, but it's not currently possible.


Glow hasn't worked in a long time.

Undroppable but not bound means they can drop it if they drag it out of their inventory. It should still be blocking the Q button though?


1.It turns out was just a lore of starter wand, I just simply remove it :)

2.I set up everything but glow: true is not working and the wand didn't glow and undropable set to true and still able to drop is it wrong in my configuration ?
inherit: base_wand
icon: Iron_pickaxe
soul: false
migrate_icon: wood_hoe
effect_color: white
path: beginner
active_spell: missile
right_click: toggle
drop: none
mana_max: 500
mana: 500
mana_regeneration: 50
indestructible: true
undroppable: true
bound: false
glow: true


No, the sounds and model are in the resource pack.


Oh, now I get it .

The RP was broken a while ago, but as far as I know it's working now. Make sure you're on latest Magic and have automatic RP's turned on.
Is RP means resourcepack ? If so is there anyway to turn off rp and still enable ocarina ?


Oh, btw, you can now use dyed leather armor as wands or magic armor (in latest dev build)

leather_helmet:#00FF00 will give you a green one.


Awesome !

1.When I set right_click: toggle, wand cannot open up spells inventory when looking at a block, it only open up with right click when is not looking at it , how to prevent this ?


Hm, can you try out the latest dev build? That sounds like a recently introduced bug- alternately try going back to 6.3.4 which may be a little safer.


Oh thanks !

1.How to allow player to cast spells such as ICBM,Breach and many more that will cause destruction in area that build is not allow ?

2.what is tragerbreakable means ?

3.How to set burn duration ?

  1. /region flag allowed-spells *
    or a specific list of spells that you want castable
    Or, change in spell configs:
    bypass_break: true
    bypass_build: true
    bypass_pvp: true
  1. targetBreakable means it will break Reflect, Shell and other temporary breakable blocks

  2. You can change the undo value of spells with fire, or the duration for entities burning, but there's no way to change how long blocks will burn, that's just vanilla behavior.


thousand thanks !

1.Is there anyway to prevent clicking outside of inventory to change spells ?

2.Is there anyway to give player spawner instead of /mmob spawn ?

3.Spawner does not show the current mob but showing pig inside the spawner, for example megaspider spawner showing pig inside the spawner

  1. Do you mean to change inventory pages? If so, there is no way to prevent that but I'm not sure why you'd want to, how else can they access all of their spells?

  2. You can set up a spawnershop NPC if you want to sell spawners

  3. It should show the current mob when placed, they often seem to show a pig for a second. Does the spawner work, does it spawn the right mob?


1.I tried with mega spider spawner it only spawn once and never spawn again but spawning pig

2.Is there anyway to allow only some spells to bind to a specific wand ?


Could you fix this? the spells when press with number for quick swap not working especially for not permitted spells


I have a request, it might help my server a lot

Could you add a feature to disallow movement of spells if the player do not have access to it
I am adding the spells to wand because I want player to preview the spells so it will be more excited for player to unlock the spells


In that video, is it the cool down timers not clearing when you move spells from the hotbar? I'm not sure what I'm looking at there.

Have you tried the spell shops? I'm not entirely sure what you're going for here, but the spellshop is the way to only allow some spells on specific wands, as well as how to show players what they can obtain.

I don't think I'm going to allow spells on a players' wand that they don't have permission to use anytime soon, sorry.


Oh, the spawner issue- I can't reproduce. Are you using Essentials? I believe it can interfere with placing spawners, though I think it's not supposed to if you're op'd.


Yes, I am using essentials

I have problem with configuring path for my wands spells, I've created two wands name it x and y, let say I want x wand to automatically change to y wand after bought all of x spells ? May I know how I am confused with path.yaml

2.What is the purpose of "student_upgrade:" in wand.yaml since path are configure in path.yaml


student_upgrade is given to the player when they rank up to the student path. It is not necessary to have this, but can be used to give extra bonuses for rank-up.

All you really need to do to make the progression you're asking for is have two paths, x and y, and x would have "upgrade: y" on it. See here:

    icon: wood_hoe:1
    migrate_icon: wood_hoe
    upgrade: student
    upgrade_item: student_upgrade

So beginner will upgrade to student when a player gets all of the beginner spells. At that point they will also be given the student_upgrade, which gives them a mana boost- but this is not necessary. You can also ignore the migrate_icon part.

For your Essentials issues, I think you need to give "essentials.spawner.*​" permission though I'm not really sure. I don't think EssentialsX has this problem, though I'm not sure of that either- I just know that it works for me, but I'm using CommandBook.


I did that, the path did changed but the wand property remain same such as mana_max, mana regeneration


That is why you would use a path upgrade item. If you want anything other than the icon and path to change you need to set up a path upgrade wand and add it to the path as upgrade_item.

I'll probably make this easier eventually and let you put the upgrade properties right on the path but for now the separate upgrade item is the only way to do it.


is not working
my config. path.yaml
icon: wood_hoe:2
migrate_icon: wood_hoe
upgrade: student1
upgrade_item: student1_upgrade
inherit: default

For wand.yaml
path: starter1

icon: wood_hoe:2
upgrade: true
hidden: true
indestructible: true
mana_max: 150
mana_regeneration: 30


Do you have a student1 path in paths.yml?



icon: wood_hoe:3
migrate_icon: wood_hoe
upgrade: apprentice1
upgrade_item: apprentice1_upgrade
inherit: starter1
max_mana_regeneration: 30
max_mana: 150
arrowrain: 10,30,50
shuriken: 0,0,5


Hm ok well assuming its paths.yml that looks right to me. I may have to try it out for myself when I get a chance, I'm probably missing something unless it's broken and I haven't noticed, but I don't think so.


I made two changes to your configs to get it to work:

  1. The first path needs to have at least one spell available on it, or there's nothing for it to do in terms of progression. So I added missile:
  icon: wood_hoe:2
  migrate_icon: wood_hoe
  upgrade: student1
  upgrade_item: student1_upgrade
  inherit: default
  - missile

I also made the starter1 wand inherit from base_wand, otherwise it probably won't work:

  inherit: base_wand
  path: starter1

The result is /wand starter1 gives you a wand with no spells. Interacting with an enchant tables gives you the option to buy Magic Missile, when you do the wand upgrades to student1 and you gain mana and regen. Now interacting with an enchant table offers you the spells in the student1 path.


Thank you so much for guiding, I wonder what awesome feature will be out on 7.0 update :)


The big plan with 7.0 (not sure when this will happen) is to make Magic more of an RPG-style plugin.

Magic was born as an item plugin, and so all data (spells, mana) is stored in wand items. This is not what most people expect from this kind of plugin.

So I am trying to make it so spells, mana or any other properties may be stored on players as well as wands.

The hope is to eventually have a simple class system for players, where someone could make a more RPG-style setup with Magic.