


[MobArena] - Block Destruction

CollinHerber opened this issue ยท 9 comments


#Category: Bug/Feature Request

##Expected Behavior
Blocks don't break when the arena is protected.

##Actual Behavior
Spells that destroy blocks are also destroying the MobArena protected blocks.

Magic Version: 7.0.1
MobArena Version: 0.99


Hm, personally I disagree. I like my arenas destructible (via spells, but not permanently via players breaking things).

Can you just put a WG region around it?

If not I can looking into adding an option for this, assuming MobArena has some API I can use to tell if a block is inside of an arena.


WorldGuard regions around the arena can be a bit screwy, they have posed to be troublesome for killing particular mobs. We found the best way to keep the MobArena behaving how it wants, was by having no regions assigned to the Arena and having the MobArena plugin handle everything on it's own.

I agree that SOME MobArena's could be destructible, and could pose to be fun but the option for people like myself that don't want the Arena to be destructible is a good addition.

It would be wise to account for multiple arenas on a single server, some of them are destructible, and some are not. Allowing the the configuration of all arena's would be pretty neat.

//Within the Config.yml for MagicPlugin
//MobArena Configuration
// arenaName
// protected-from-magic: true/false/yes/no


That WorldGuard behavior sounds weird, but fair enough!

I added what you requested in 7.1.3, just released on spigotmc. Or grab latest dev build.

# MobArena integration
  # Use this to disable all MobArena integration
  enabled: true
  # Set this to true for magic build/break permissions to respect protected arenas
  protect: false
  # This can be used to protect specific arenas by name
  # protected:
  # - arena1
  # - arena2

Thank you @NathanWolf


@NathanWolf - [00:54:16 INFO]: [Magic] Spells that break or build blocks can't be used in MobArenas

Is this truly the case? I didn't mean disable the use of the spells that would perhaps break blocks, but prevent the spells from actually breaking the blocks. Not completely disable the spells that do

Such as an explosion spell, or whatever. Would still deal damage, but not break any blocks.


Another thing, when updating from 7.0.1 -> 7.1.3 , the Mob Arena part of the config did not update automatically, I had to manually add it to the config file.

No big deal, just thought I should relay my finds


The config files in plugins/Magic never actually update. That's where you customizations go. I don't make any attempt to merge new features in there, the plugin will never touch them at all.

This makes things much easier to update, the plugin doesn't have to try to figure out what parts of the config are your changes versus stuff left around by previous versions.

So that's by design, basically :)

Also by design is that spells that break blocks can't be cast in an area where they wouldn't be able to break blocks. Otherwise you cast a spell, spend the mana, but it doesn't do what it's supposed to do. Disappointing!

Unfortunately you'll find that nearly all spells in Magic break blocks ... which is why I didn't want them to all get disabled in a mob arena.

You can change this functionality pretty easily, though- just add this to spells.yml:

  require_break: false

That will override all spells so that they can be cast no matter what. They still will not actually break protected blocks, though.

I can see how this might be nice for a handful of spells, like maybe Fireball and TNT. I did recently change it so Blast and Magic Missile work without block-breaking, though Blast feels pretty weak and lame.

If you want to do the same thing for spells that create blocks, add "require_build: false" as well- but I think that will be even more misleading, it's very rare that a spell that builds blocks is going to feel satisfying at all if it's not allowed to build blocks. Like Fire, won't actually be able to create fire, so it just goes fffft.

Hope that helps!



Thank you for your prompt responses and large amount of dedication to the project. As a software engineer inside a company of 16 people, we really admire the passion and drive the developers can show in their work, and you sir have that passion and drive.

It's great to see these qualities in someone, even if it is only for a mod for a much larger game. I wish we had more developers like you on the team here at Zymo.

Thank you again, and I will relay any issues I might see to you as I see fit.


Thanks for your kind words!