


1.14.2 spell schematics

Yukylyu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hello, the spells tent / cage / tag doesn't works .
The spell tent / cage all schematics spells no longer work.
the tag spell tells me impossible to put a sign.


Hi ! I checked the logs from my game (same problem, but with every schematics spell), and the problem comes from the NMSUtils.getPosition() function in which the Double type cast is not allowed. A possible modification could be a cast into Integer, then in double as Double(((Integer)[value]).doubleValue()) to solve it.
Due to a encoding error (I tried to fix it on Windows, but the code has been written on Linux or at least a unix base), I couldn't try if it works.
Here's a log where I tried to cast the Wolfhouse spell

Found the main error, it's because of a method summoned in a way I've never seen before, causing a cast Double over an Integer, so, if there's a way to change the "class_NBTTagList_getDoubleMethod" into "class_NBTTagList_getIntegerMethod" it could solve the problem (but I don't know if the class NBTTagList has such a method).
Anyway, good luck on this one, I'll continue trying to fix it.

EDIT 2 :
My first solution was correct, ((Integer)[value]).doubleValue() this was enough to stop the cast exception. Though I found an other one, about "Modern Material"...
This log contains the new exception, as I fixed the first one.


This should be fixed in the latest dev build- thanks!