


Inactive icon for wands being unresponsive

7-75 opened this issue ยท 10 comments


As the title describes wands' icons are being unresponsive:
after setting up a wand's 'icon_inactive' property using a spell will show such icon only a few milliseconds after (noticeable) and (this is what really concerns me) will take random amounts of time to become active (a time that has nothing to do with the cooldown of the spell used) even 7-8 seconds later than the cooldown of the spell.

Is this known? Is there a fix for it? Thanks in advance.

P.S. I'm using the latest release version of magic.


Are you aware of how the mana system works?


I'm afraid I don't know what would cause this, then, sorry.

Other reasons for spells to go inactive include permissions, regions (build and pvp), etc. I think if there is no cooldown or mana on a spell it should not go inactive when cast.


Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly:
the problem is that it takes too much time for the wand's icon to change making it unreliable and not usable for pvp while with normal spells the change is 'on time'.
Thanks for the reply.


No, you explained correctly. If it's not being caused by cooldown, mana or any of the other things I listed then I don't know what would cause that. I assume you don't see this happening on the sandbox or survival test servers?


I can try looking in the sandbox server but I really doubt it's caused by other thing since spells are actually castable while the icon is showing the wand as disabled: it's just the icon not changing.

I'm trying to suggest this could be related to how the plugin handles wands icon changes but I really don't know.


Yes I am, my spells don't require mana. I can cast the spells despite the icon being inactive.


I also tried using icon_inactive_delay to low values but it doesn't seem to work


To be clear, you are talking about spell icons changing, right?

The wand icon does not actually change based on the spells. Wands can have active/inactive icons, too, but those change depending on if the spell inventory is open or not.


oooooh whoops ok! No, sorry. Glad I asked :)

Wand inactive icons are used for lightsabers or other wands where you can "open them up" and they change visual appearance. We had Lucious Malfoy's cane wand using that mechanic, too.