"horse" spell being fired when it is not
Ferocimo opened this issue ยท 5 comments
As solution for the issue above, the Horse spell isn't fired when you are too close to a wall. However, that still triggers the "other" events as the spell was fired : you gain SPs and the cooldown starts.
I reported it in the issue and you uploaded a fix and then closed the issue, however the issue is still there. Could you have a look at this ? Thank you.
@NathanWolf Hello, any update on this ?
I closed it because I was not seeing any issue. If I go up against a wall and cast the Horse spell, I get a message like "Find a clear space for your horse". I do not gain SP nor does the spell go on cooldown. The builtin spell does not actually earn SP at all in the first place.
Are you using the builtin spell or a custom version?
It's configured as follows :
icon: diamond_axe:49
icon_disabled: diamond_hoe:49
icon_url: http://textures.minecraft.net/texture/ddb5db33eac28ccfce38f179044575cb9de8195bc1ed843d4345da5f13b63d
category: invocation
worth: 300
earns_sp: 20
cast_on_no_target: false
- class: ChangeContext
ignore_result: true
target_offset: 0,1,0
- class: Plane
radius: 1
- class: CheckBlock
allowed: passthrough
- class: Message
message_type: chat
message_key: nospace
ignore_result: true
- class: Stop
- class: SpawnEntity
- class: Mount
- class: PlayEffects
effects: spawned
- sound: block_note_bass
sound_volume: 1.5
sound_pitch: 1.5
- class: EffectSingle
sound: entity_horse_angry
class: DnaEffect
particle_helix: drip_lava
iterations: 24
particle_base1: drip_water
- class: EffectSingle
location: target
class: AtomEffect
iterations: 32
particle_nucleus: drip_water
target: self
set_target: true
tamed: true
saddle: saddle
track: false
type: horse
allow_max_range: true
cooldown: 300000
range: 5
undo: 300000
loot: false
mana: 50
Ok, sorry, this is making sense now. I thought I had fixed it, but didn't realize you had your own version and were not using the fix.
I think you can get it working if you use this as your fail
- class: Message
ignore_result: true
message_type: chat
message_key: nospace
- class: CastResult
result: no_target
end_result: true
- class: Stop
The "CastResult" was a new action I put in specifically to fix this issue for you, it lets you force the spell to return a specific result (in this case a "no target" failure).