problem death 8.0.2
Yukylyu opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi in the version Magic 8.0.2 the wand is duplicate after the death with the plugin dead souls.
In the version 8.0.1 i have not this problem...
What has changed since with the new version if magic? please
Sadly what changed is avoiding item dupe issues on death with other plugins (Graves, MagicArenas).
Please go back to 8.0.1, I'll try out dead souls and see if I can make everything work together nicely.
I think I got this fixed, if you'd like to try out the latest stable dev build:
It's a tricky thing to make the event priority work with all different plugins, hopefully this didn't just break something else 😂
Hey I wanted to let you know that I found another issue with DeadSouls - if you pick up your soul with your wand inventory open, your soul items can get lost.
I have fixed this in the latest Magic dev build, but you will also need the latest DeadSouls that just came out (1.6)
This will also add a player's lost souls to Recall level 2.