Magical Spells
Collect Materials ◦ Craft Wands ◦ Cast Spells
MagicalSpells is a plugin that allows users to craft wands from materials and cast the spells available to that wand. It is fully configurable and people can create their own custom wands and spells. This video will show you the basics:
To play, click it and it will take you to the youtube page.
MagicalSpells is a plugin that allows the users to cast magic and craft wands whenever they want. It lets them collect the correct materials for a specific wand, craft the wand and then cast spells using that wand. It can be configured to disable magic in worldguard zones, undo the explosions and damage to the environment, change the cost, cooldown, size and range of each spell and even create your own spells and wands.
Feature List
- Over 85 preset spells
- 24 preset wands
- Unique and configurable cooldown mechanics
- Easy usage and crafting
- Configurable spells and wands
- Automatic landscape damaging reversing
- No-magic zones
- Message configuring
Other Pages
- Spells
- Settings
- Common Questions
- Help Out
- Changelog
- Installing and Updating
- TODO List (Upcoming Features)
- Bukkit Plugin Thread
Servers Using Magical Spells
- WallouVille -
- KalamityKraft -
- Heroes Of Aandrum -
- The Cave -
- MineGusta -
- AvelCraft -
- CowCraft -
- KoolKrafterz -
- Spirits of maevi -
- Kingdom-Craft -
- DeathoCraft -
- Lostcubes -
- PurpleCraft -
To add your name to the list, post the name of the server, and the ip in the comments and I'll join to make sure it is a good server then add it the list.
Reporting Bugs
Post the bug here In it include the error (if there is an error), your config.yml (if edited) and settings.yml(if edited), what you were doing at the time (what command,spell,wand...), what version you're using, and if possible what other plugins you have (optional).
If you like this plugin and what to donate feel free to click the donate button on the top right of this page. Thanks.