Mandatory updated to 1.2 !
Mandatory is a great plugin that allows you to do many things such as stop people from saying certain words/swearwords in chat in the config.yml and also has a command /newbie that allows you to have a command that new players can use and is editable in the config.yml. We have also added in so admins can use /mandatory download for the official Bukkit page and /mandatory changelog to see Mandatory 1.12s Changelog.
- Anti-Swear
- Config Editable
- Clear Chat
- Addons Implemented
- Step 1: Download Mandatory plugin
- Step 2: Put the downloaded file into your plugins folder
- Step 3: Restart or reload server
- Step 4: Customize Config.yml to your needs (Example here: )
- A installation guide and setup will eventually be on Youtube!
- /mandatory version - Shows the current Mandatory Version
- /mandatory download - Takes you to Mandatorys Bukkit page
- /mandatory changelog - Shows Mandatory 1.1's changelog
- /mandatory help - Allows admins to see all Mandatory commands
- /mandatory addons - Shows all Mandatory Addons
- /mandatory reload - Reloads Mandatory
- /newbie - Allows to create a custom message that new players can use when they join the server
- /helpme - Allows to create a custom message that new players can use when they join the server
- /chat global - Clears global chat with configurable messages
- /chat self - Clears your chat with confugurable messages
- /colors - List of Minecraft color codes
- /reloading - Warns player the server is reloading
Permission | Command
- mandatory.core = /mandatory (args)
- mandatory.newbie = /newbie
- = /mhelp
- mandatory.reloading = /reloading
- mandatory.colors =/colors
- =/chat (args)
- An enchanting feature which allows you to enchant items that you hold up to 1000
- A set teleportation feature which allows you to set tps and go to them
- A command such as /afkmob (mob) which spawns a mob that cannot walk around
- Stopping people from avoiding anti-swear by adding letters to the swear words
- Anti-grief
- Chest sign protection
- hub GUI server selector
- Colored Nametags
- A ping tester
- Stop people from saying things 2 times in a row
- A setcolor command that keeps your chat color certain color
- Player's List Edit
- Pets
- /chest command
Compatible with Minecraft versions:
- 1.8
- 1.7.10
Java Versions
- Java 6
- Java 7
- Java 8
PVP Essentials:
- /newbie Configuration not compatible in color
- /reloading message
Please report any bugs, all comments will be replied to.