


This is a similar plugin to the MapMarkers plugin. It outputs online and offline player locations to a JSON file which can than be viewed in website generated by a mapping tool (like Minecraft-Overviewer). It also supports the multiworld feature of Overviewer.



  • Player locations are saved in JSON format to configurable path
  • Also outputs the location of offline players (if they were previously online while the plugin was running)
  • Display offline players with their skin grayed out
  • Only displays players on the currently viewed world
  • Configurable refresh time
  • Cache for the skins


  • A working installation of Overviewer on your webserver

Plugin Configuration

  • lang: (default: en). Can bet set to en (english) or fr (french). For other language, simply use en and change the strings manually in file localization.en.yml
  • tagmessage (default: true) This will add a tag to message sent from this plugin
  • updateInterval: (default: 5000) How often should the markers be updated (in ms)
  • targetFile: (default: /path/to/overviewer_output/markers.json) Path to which the data is written. Should point to the directory of the generated map
  • saveOfflinePlayers: (default: true) Enable or disable tracking offline player locations. When disabled, only online players will be shown.
  • offlineFile: (default: locations.bin) Path to the file where the locations of offline players are saved. If this is not an absolute path, it is treated as a sub path of plugins/PlayerMarkers
  • Mapping: (default: generated at first start) This maps the name of the bukkit world names to the names configured in the overviewer config. See World Name Mapping for more details.
  • hideVanishedPlayers (default: true). Offline player will not be outputed in the json file
  • hideSneakingPlayers (default: false). Sneaking players will not be outputed in the json file
  • hideInvisiblePlayers (default: true). Invisible players will not be outputed in the json file
  • hideSpectatorPlayers (default: true). Spectator players will not be outputed in the json file
  • sendJSONOnVanishedPlayers (default: true) Offline players will have a different status id
  • sendJSONOnSneakingPlayers (default: false) Sneaking players will have a different status id
  • sendJSONOnInvisiblePlayers (default: false) Invisible players will have a different status id
  • sendJSONOnSpectatorPlayers (default: false) Spectator players will have a different status id


Short version

  1. Download both PlayerMarkers.jar and
  2. Drop the PlayerMarkers.jar file in the plugins directory
  3. Unzip the contents of the file to your overviewer web_assets directory (it should create a playermarkers directory)
  4. Edit the index.html in the overviewer web_assets directory and include the line
    <script type="text/javascript" src="playermarkers/playermarkers.js"></script>
  5. Either start the server to create the config file, or create one yourself (in plugins/PlayerMarkers/config.yml)
  6. If your world names in bukkit differ from the names in the overviewer configuration see World Name Mapping to setup the mapping.
  7. If you want to enable the cache for the player skins, make sure your web-server has write permissions for the playermarkers directory of the generated map

Long version

Data format



Player will be shown on the map (exported in the json file)

  • playermarkers.admin

Can change plugin configuration with commands


  • playermarkers <config> <value> Change the value of a setting

Planned Features

  • Option to customize the size of the player skin icon
  • Add commands to hide / unhide, and a corresponding permission node
  • Show health of the player in opened player marker




  • Added option in web files to automatically follow a player
  • Added option in web files to change the spawn location
  • Changed web files to be pure javascript (php not required anymore)
  • Added config option to disable sneaking, invisible and spectator player locations
  • Added config option to send a different id for offline, sneaking, invisible and spectator players
  • Added update checker
  • Strings are not in separate yml file for easy customization
  • Added permissions


  • Added config option to map bukkit world names to overviewer world names
  • Added config option to disable offline player locations
  • Added config option to set the path where the offline player locations are stored
Web Files


  • Added option in web files to automatically follow a player
  • Added option in web files to change the spawn location
  • Changed web files to be pure javascript (php not required anymore)


  • Merged player.php and player_grey.php
  • Add "big" picture feature (opened player markers have now a proper picture, not a upscaled one)
Complete Changelog

See Changelog

Additional Links

GitbHub Repo (Source) | Minecraft Overviewer