MC Interactive

MC Interactive


Current Version: Beta 1.0.4

MC Interactive is a plugin that enables and encourages Twitch viewer interaction with customizable in-game features, such as being able to read Twitch chat in-game, starting votes, event votes, and in-game Twitch subscription and cheering rewards!

Reporting bugs
Please report any bugs to the project github's issue page

Recommended Quick Guide:


  • Highly configurable both for each player and server-wise
  • View Twitch chat in-game
  • Custom in-game vote creation for players and channels
  • Support for multiple channels in a server
  • Subscription in-game rewards as in-game sub rewards
  • 6 Custom items and 4 enchants
  • 4 Custom votable events
  • Cheering in-game rewards

Need help with the plugin?

Join the MC Interactive support discord at

Base command
/mci: Lists all Minecraft Interactive commands
/mci config: Shows player configuration GUI
/mci globalconfig: Shows global configuration GUI
/mci channel listen [channelname]: Starts listening anonymously to a Twitch channel
/mci channel leave: Stops listening to the connected Twitch channel
/mci channel lock [channelname]: Locks a channel to listen to server-wide
/mci channel unlock: Unlocks a previously listen-locked channel
Player voting
/mci vote start [votetime] [option1] [option2] <option3..6>: Starts a custom vote
/mci vote end: Forces current vote to end
/mci vote cancel: Cancels and invalidates current vote
Channel voting
/mci channelvote start <channel> [votetime] [option1] [option2] <option3..6>: Starts a channel vote
/mci channelvote forcestart [votetime] [option1] [option2] <option3..6>: Forces starting a channel vote
/mci channelvote end <channel>: Forces current channel vote to end
/mci channelvote cancel <channel>: Cancels and invalidates current channel vote
Event voting
/mci eventvote start: Starts an event vote
/mci eventvote end: Forces current event vote to end
/mci eventvote cancel: Cancels the current event vote and its effects
Sub crate gifting
/mci gift [common|uncommon|rare|legendary] <player>: Gits a subscription reward to a player
/mci bits: Shows bits shop GUI
/mci bits give [amount] <player>: Gives bits to a player or yourself
/mci bits remove [amount] <player>: Removes bits from a player or yourself
Custom items
/mci customitems: Opens the custom items creative GUI

Version checking
/mci version: Checks the current MCInteractive version

Some of this commands are OP-only. Refer to the Quick Guide for a more detailed explanation.