MCbuilder is a plugin that let you build a simple house.
- build a simple house
- configure all of the house it's features
Commands and Permissions
- /build - to build the house - mcbuilder.use
- /build set <length> <height> - to set the sizes - mcbuilder.set
- /build set material <walls/roof> <block-ID> - to set the type of blocks - mcbuilder.set
- /build help - shows a help page - no permissions
- /build get - shows building info - no permissions
there is a config.yml file where you can configurate the plugin. the size is in blocks and the materials are in block-IDs. you can configure the plugin also in-game with the /build set commands
if you want support you can ask your questions below in the comments.
Source Code
until now it is not an open source pluin.
- making doors in the house
- make the plugin more user-friendly
- make more houses