
mcRSS - Ingame RSS Reader

Version: 1.3.0

Author: Maxim Van de Wynckel (Maximvdw)

Are you using mcRSS on your server ? Added your own RSS feeds? PM me your IP if you want, so I can come take a look on how your RSS feed looks, maybe I can improve my plugin then ;)


Current Version

  • Read an rss feed
  • Read individual posts in a feed
  • Broadcast an rss feed or individual posts to all players
  • Show a rss feed to specific player
  • Add / Remove rss feeds ingame
  • Read/Store Feeds in books


Upcomming features

  • Gonna change the lay-out of the book (Width is too small)


mcRSS is an ingame RSS reader for bukkit. It allows you to view or show individual topics that are in the RSS feed. There are various uses for this plugin:

  • You can use it to view your favorite RSS feeds ingame
  • You can use it to show or view new topics on your forum

mcRSS was originally designed to work for Drupal Taxonomy. But is now further developed to work for other feeds aswell.

About me

I'm a Dutch developer. This is the first plugin I will publish. Mostly I made plugins for myself.


To install mcRSS:

  1. Download mcRSS.jar
  2. Put mcRSS.jar into the root of your plugins folder
  3. Start your server, mcRSS will generate the config file
  4. Goto plugins/mcRSS/
  5. Open the config.yml And rss.yml file with your favorite editor
  6. Edit the settings, more information is given in the file
  7. Once you finished the configuration reload or restart your server


mcRSS uses commands to view RSS feeds, or to control the plugin. However we are working to find a way to show the text in books.

Commands can be found on this page


Each command and argument has its own permission in mcRSS. Use a permissions plugin to who may use certain functions , and who can't

Permissions can be found on this page


mcRSS has a config.yml that will be created after the first load. Also a rss.yml file will be created to store RSS feeds. The default file contains 4 example feeds

Configuration can be found on this page

Updating: When a configuration file is updated as well , the old one will be overridden by the newest version


Can I add my own RSS feeds?

Yes, in the config file you can add / remove any RSS Feeds

How many feeds can I add?

mcRSS is limited to 128 RSS feeds to prevent crashes

Does this work on normal HTML pages?

No, mcRSS uses RSS XML files to gather the data

How to add RSS feeds to my Drupal forum?

To add RSS feeds to Drupal, you have to install the module Taxomony. This will create a little RSS icon at each page. You can right click on it and select "Copy link url" and paste it into the config file.