


Portals allows you to create sender/receiver portals and two way portals.

The portals can be specified on different channels, and each channel can have multiple sender/receivers(a random receiver will be chosen if there's more than one on a channel), and 1 two way portal (both points of the portal).
The channel can be specified by any name, including numbers and letters To use a portal after creating one, simply walk on it.

Placing a block on a portal or destroying the block a portal is on will destroy the portal, but players without the delete permission won't be able to.

Youtube Link


If you are using a mutliworld plugin, you must tell portals what the name of the plugin is in the configuration file, or else risk your portals being deleted upon server restart

New In This Update

Updated to Dev Builds of Bukkit 1.7.2


  • /psender <channel> - creates a sender portal on that channel on the block you're standing on
  • /preceiver <channel> - creates a receiver portal on that channel on the block you're standing on
  • /ptwoway <channel> - creates a two way portal on that channel on the block you're standing on
  • /pignore - don't get teleported by portals
  • /pdelete <channel> - if no channel is specified deletes the channel under you, otherwise clears all the portals on the specified channel, or /pdelete all can be used, which deletes all the portals on the server


portal.use - lets you use portals if usage perms are required in the config
portal.use.<name> - lets you use portals on that channel if channel perms are required in the config
portal.use.* - lets you use portals on all channels if channel perms are required in the config

  • /psender - portal.sender
  • /preceiver - portal.receiver
  • /ptwoway - portal.twoway
  • /pignore - portal.ignore
  • /pdelete - portal.delete


In the config file there are options to make permissions required to use any portals, then to require permissions for specific channels. If you don't require permissions to use portals, then it won't let you require channels.
If you wanted players to be able to only use portals on channel 1, your config would look like this:
Require_Permission_To_Use_Portals: true
Require_Channel_Specific_Permissions: true

And their permissions would look like this:

Also you can make portals either use the player going into them's rotation or the rotation that the player that created the portal had and choose whether to have the portal effects or not (blindness and nausea), as well as tell portals what multiworld plugin (if any) you're using

To Do

Nothing on here is guaranteed to happen, these are just ideas I had.

  • Add a /pchanlist command to see all the channels being used by portals
  • Add a /pinfo command to see the channel and portal type of the portal you're standing on
  • Add a /plist <channel> command to see all portals on a channel, their type, and their location


Please report bugs as a ticket.

  • Players can potentially fall through world or get stuck in world
  • Players can get stuck between two way portals