
MEI is a Bukkit plugin provides ability to send commands for execution from different external sources. So you could execute commands in Minecraft Server console from other application, such as Web sites or standalone applications. MEI does not bind to specific language or platform and you may use your favorite tool.

Examples of using

MEI does not put any limits to command to execute. You may run standard Minecraft console command as well as external plugin specific things. Ideas of usage is all up to you. However let's look at some examples.


Lest assume you have a Minecraft server and forum for community. There is a forum moderator, he wants to ban specific player, but without dealing with Minecraft server directly. To achieve this he just click some custom button on the forum page and this is all :)

Site with a shop

You have a site with online shop that allows to buy some Minecraft ingame items. You just want a mechanism that adds items to players inventory in accordance to purchased items list. Player buys some items and they appears on his backpack. Really easy huh?

Message broadcast

You have a site with your Minecraft server and wants a method to broadcast messages to players with specific conditions. You type it in some field on your site, click enter and MEI done it all for your.

Under the hood in all described cases there is a JS or PHP script that makes a simple request to MEI with command details, for example HTTP request

POST {"command": "kill Kenny"}

This will instruct MEI to emit following command into Minecraft server console

kill Kenny

User guide

Please refer to wiki page with full list of features and configuration examples.