Requires WorldGuard and WorldEdit
This plugin may change blocks on startup and on user login. Make sure you understand how this will happen before running on a production server.
Most of the issues so far have been fixed in the current build and I'm working on the promised features for 0.5 again. Testing and comments/bugs are very appreciated.
- Odd road widths and plot sizes should now work. (If your road with is 5 each time a plot is generated you'll get 2 road blocks on the negative x and y sides and 3 on the positive sides.)
- Road widths are now no longer part of the plot sizes. This is a breaking change and you'll want to do the math to your config file.
- Config files now have versions so i can auto upgrade them in the future.
This plugin automates home protection. When each user logs on for the first time they will be assigned a city block of their own and streets will be generated around their block.
Protection is achieved by creating a worldguard region they own. This protects the blocks in that region and their chests. The blocks between regions (roads) are protected by another region that surrounds all of the city block regions.
There is a config.yml file included in the zip with defaults. If missing from "plugins/Metropolis" on plugin startup this file will be created with defaults. You can set the size of blocks and the width of roads among other things in this file.
Standard WorldGuard commands can be used to manage the protected city block regions.
Bugs and Ideas
If you find a bug please create a ticket for it here on bukkit dev or an issue on github.
I've enabled the forum for this project. Please put suggestions there and not on github so it's easier for others to discuss them.
Other Plugins You Might Want
- WorldGuard (Required)
- WorldEdit (Required)
- CommandBook (homes/warps/item spawning/lots more)
- CleanRoomGenerator (for controlling how the world looks outside the town.
This plugin creates a city by giving each user on your server a home plot that only they can build on and makes roads between them.