Minecraft CV
Today I embark on a project that will revolutionalise 1000s of servers across the world. Introducing Minecraft CV, a lifesaver in countless situations. The clue is in the name, I aim to bring together many databases (including some of McCV's own) to give you information on the people that play on your server.
I am aware that there are a few similar projects on, but those are mainly centered around bans and criminal history. What about the moderators? What about the playing time? With McV you will be able to submit and read data on all of your players, see warnings when a user with a criminal past logs in and un a backcheck on your moderating team to see just how trust worthy they really are.
Further into the future there will be the option to log onto the McCV website and edit your biography with information about yourself and join into a community, built around the website.
API. There will an API availible to devs who want to query users who have been online.
Server informaton. Information on the history of servers will also be availible, there will be a rating that is not govourned by how much money you get from votifier, but by unbiased inspectors. There will also be publicly availible server ban lists and uptime etc...
Want to get involved? This project is very much in its first stages. There will be an beta availible at some point for a limited amount of servers to try. If you have any questions or ideas/suggestions please post them below.