- By, Dharokfreak11 - Samuel Horton
* Minecraft Lobbies is a plugin similar to warps, where you can set lobbies for your players to teleport to.
* Saves the lobby in a config file.
* /Lobby <Name of Lobby>
* /Setlobby <name of lobby> <Whether it requires permission to use (True/false)> <Cost of use>
* /DelLobby <Name of Lobby>
* Lobby command by itself without parameters shows all available lobbies.
* <mclobbies.cmd.setlobby> /setlobby command
* <mclobbies.cmd.lobby> /lobby command
* <mclobbies.cmd.dellobby> /dellobby command
* <mclobbies.cmd.lobby.(Name of lobby)>
* <mclobbies.*> All Perms
* <mclobbies.lobby.(Name of lobby)>
* <mclobbies.lobby.*> Access to all lobbies.