- 1
appear another backpack in my inventory after dying
#227 opened by zDavidOp - 2
Console Errors
#226 opened by Insidi0usAngel - 1
It could be that this plugin has timed out
#225 opened by yecangminga - 2
Dupe glitch
#223 opened by ItzRobin - 1
Additional Backpacks
#222 opened by Avixius - 0
Split permission for use into view, add and remove
#221 opened by GeorgH93 - 2
How to reset everyone's Backpack ?
#220 opened by FlyingCow32 - 2
Plugin resets itsself while Server restart
#219 opened by SmokinShark - 1
DB Connection Fail
#218 opened by goreziller - 2
Backpacks itemstacks reset on upgrade
#217 opened by Vtreka - 5
#216 opened by crazynerdpc - 1
Players with no permision for backpack.size have access to a backpack
#215 opened by Klawdek - 5
Giving backpacks after they already have one
#214 opened by LGLLewis - 1
doesnt work
#213 opened by crazynerdpc - 1
Cant find perms for players to use the backpack in the nether
#211 opened by Bobbyharron - 2
Death chest issues
#210 opened by Darkside247 - 0
more backpacks!
#209 opened by Ali-Said1 - 2
how can i change shortcut off backpack to any player head ?
#208 opened by Sultan123146 - 1
How to get backpack?
#207 opened by MiniMac06 - 1
Remove icon/shortcut from player inventory
#206 opened by boulettebill - 4
Could not load Minepack.jar
#205 opened by danielsabe - 3
Upgrade to 1.18.2 from 1.18.1 backpacks not working
#204 opened by jackaboy216 - 7
Unable to query players with Chinese names
#203 opened by zfms4188 - 1
org.sqlite.SQLiteException: [SQLITE_READONLY] Attempt to write a readonly database (attempt to write a readonly database)
#202 opened by Frodwo - 4
HEX Support
#201 opened by iTzAleh - 1
removing backpack so i can make kits
#200 opened by CptKildor - 0
Per-Player Toggle Command for Full Inventory Pickup
#199 opened by KermX - 16
BackpackDropOnDeathEvent isn't working?
#198 opened by TetraTheta - 0
Make the plugin useable without permission plugins
#196 opened by GeorgH93 - 3
Default members can't use their own backpacks
#195 opened by Ash3781 - 4
Add many backpacks for one player or pages in backpack (upgrade of backpack)
#194 opened by Timtaran - 0
- 0
- 2
Loading Item name language file freezes server startup
#189 opened by TheNety - 2
ItemShortcut Per Player Toggle
#188 opened by Andarius68 - 2
Change text for "backpack closed" pop up
#187 opened by Tabletopcheese - 1
Item dupes when spread out
#186 opened by Spartac69 - 0
Permission to view other players backpacks
#185 opened by ZeroInHD - 3
Backpack shortcut spawns into inventory regardless of whitelist settings.
#184 opened by OpenSourceSlime - 1
Backpack spawns into inventory in all worlds, even if they have backpacks disabled.
#183 opened by OpenSourceSlime - 1
Server crash when doing /bp 1
#182 opened by Eloujah - 1
Need a second backpack
#181 opened by iiMustafaaa - 1
Dont give Backpack on join
#180 opened by RelaxoGaming - 1
Members are not getting whole backpack space
#179 opened by iiMustafaaa - 1
My backpacks are not crafting
#178 opened by Your-Trash-kid - 2
MySQL connect error
#177 opened by XiaoNiuC - 2
- 1
A new traditional Chinese language is added, and there are files translated by myself in the article.
#175 opened by Special-Base - 4
- 0
shulker boxers can be put in backpack via inventory sort spam
#173 opened by citycanine