MinerBuddy Server is a RESTfull server implementation to allow remote clients to query Bukkit server data as JSON and trigger pre-set commands.
In simpler terms it lets you get JSON data that you can use in your own scripts, or remotely trigger commands, for example in an attached forum/website.
For example this URL: http://yourmcserver.tld:25569/players/ Might return:
{"Players": ["sablednah","lordsable"] }
and : Might return:
{ "DisplayName": "sablednah", "EntityId": "31", "Op": true, "GameMode": "SURVIVAL", "Blocking": false, "Sneaking": false, "Sprinting": false, "Sleeping": false, "SleepingIgnored": true, "Dead": false, "Health": "34.0", "MaxHealth": "71.0", "Exhaustion": "1.4372691", "Saturation": "0.0", "FoodLevel": "20", "RemainingAir": "300", "MaximumAir": "300", "Holding": "SULPHUR", "PlayerTime": "118023105", "Level": "165", "Exp": "0.61171794", "TotalExperience": "73147", "AllowFlight": false, "Flying": false, "Location": {"X":-4688.8167977237845,"Y":66.0,"Z":-612.1939240003135,"Pitch":-11.10005,"Yaw":139.19807,"Block": "AIR","BlockUnder": "STONE","Biome": "PLAINS","BlockLight":0,"SkyLight":0,"Light":0}, "Vector": {"X":0.0,"Y":-0.0784000015258789,"Z":0.0,"Length":0.0784000015258789,"Direction":0.0}, "World": {"Name":"ZARP","Time":118023105,"Weather":false,"Thunder":false,"WeatherLeft":16966,"ThunderLeft":21779}, "CompassTarget": {"X":-4761.0,"Y":66.0,"Z":-2044.0,"Pitch":0.0,"Yaw":0.0,"Block": "DOUBLE_STEP","BlockUnder": "DIRT","Biome": "PLAINS","BlockLight":0,"SkyLight":0,"Light":0}, "CompassDistance": 1433.6247953912032 }
You can also configure commands to be run in the console on a web request, passing parameters. For example: can be mapped to this config to approve a new member.
approve: args: 1 console: permissions player setgroup %1 Member password: imagicraft
And this could be used to ban a player:
ban: args: 2 console: ban %1 %2 password: imagicraft
Example/Default Config
debugMode: true commands: approve: args: 1 console: permissions player setgroup %1 Member password: imagicraft kick: args: 2 console: kick %1 %2 password: imagicraft ban: args: 2 console: ban %1 %2 password: imagicraft
debug: [true|false] Enable debug mode for detailed errors.
commands: A list of commands that can be triggered by server requests. Consisting of: args: [integer] number of arguments to require in the request. console: [string] The command to run from the console = use %1 for argument 1, %2 for argument 2 and so on. password: [string] the password required to use this command. See the notes below.
Example usage
Here's an example PHP snippet
<?php $serverip = ""; $portnum = "25569"; $command = "approve"; $pwd = "imagicraft"; $username = $_POST["username"] $salted = utf8_encode($pwd . $command); $hash = hash("sha256",$salted); $url = "http://" . $serverip . ":" . $portnum . "/command/" . $command . "/" . $username . "/" . $hash; $result = file_get_contents ( $url ); ?>
You could build such a script into your forum sign up page to move registered players into a different group for permissions.
Note the password structure. The password is always added at the end of the request, and consists of a sha256 hash of the password in configuration added to the command name.
/MinerBuddyHealth reload Reload settings from config.yml
None. (Yet.)
1.0: First release.
Source Code
Donations of any amount are, of course appreciated :)
Contributions go towards maintaining my development server to encourage continued development. MinerBuddyServer is solo coded by me so if you think that time is worth something then hit the button in the top right! ;)